The Wizard and the Hat

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Morning has risen in the Berry Kingdom. It mainly was empty except for the group of cookies were waking up in the castle. They had stayed the night right after hearing what Raspberry Cookie had to say. Another cookie has joined the journey and they all were packing up their materials that were needed for it. Now they were waiting on four cookies.

"Where are they?" Gouda Cheese Cookie asked. "Nightshade Berry and Cappuccino weren't in the room they stayed in..." Mocha Cookie said quietly. "How the fuck did we lose them, and their kids?" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said a bit annoyed. "What happened?" Financier Cookie asked as she walked in. "We don't know where Nightshade Berry or Cappuccino are in this place." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie spat out. "Have you checked the room they stayed in?" The three cookies nodded. "The rest of the castle?" "We don't even know where is where in this place." Gouda Cheese Cookie said. "Asked HollyBerry Cookie or Wild Berry Cookie, they know this place best." Financier Cookie suggested before leaving.

The three decided to to take the advice and asked Wild Berry Cookie and HollyBerry Cookie for help to look around the castle. Everyone decided to take the time to look around the castle. "How did we lose them?" Crunchy Chip Cookie asked as he check in one of the guest rooms. "I don't know, why are you asking us?" Mocha Cookie replied. "You guys know them best." "And you guys know this place best." Gouda Cheese Cookie replied back. "Are you sure that now is a good time?" They heard some cookies talking around the corner. "It is today, plus, what other chance do we have to give her these?" "Over there!" The cookies ran around the corner to see Cappuccino Cookie and Nightshade Berry Cookie waiting in front of a door. Nightshade Berry Cookie was holding a bag in his hand. "What did you even get her?" He asked Cappuccino Cookie. "You'll see." They both entered the room. The cookies followed.

"Hey we've been-" Mocha Cookie was interrupted by Gouda Cheese Cookie pulling on his robes before he could enter the room. "Wait... look." Gouda Cheese Cookie said, peaking through the gap of the open door. There were four cookies sitting on the floor as the morning sunlight lit the room. "Can I o- pen my eyes now?" Floral Latte Cookie said before using her inhaler. "Wait! I need to get something real quick!" Blueberry Coffee Cookie quickly spoke as he searched through a backpack. "Ok! Got it." He ran back to the other three cookies and sat down. Cappuccino Cookie placed a small box in front of Floral Latte Cookie. "You can open them now." Floral Latte Cookie opened her eyes to see the box in front of her. She looked quite curious as she grabbed it. She opened it to have her eyes light up with happiness. She took out a decorated cupcake and a envelope.

She opened the envelope to open a card and read it. "For my birthday?" She looked up from the letter. "Don't tell us you forgot your own birthday?" Cappuccino Cookie chuckled. "It's April 30th, Floral." Blueberry Coffee Cookie stated, holding a ring of vines. "Oh! Sorry I wasn't really keeping track." Floral Latte Cookie giggled as she placed the card down and grabbed the cupcake. She took a bite out of it as Nightshade Berry Cookie placed the bag he had in front of her. "Ooh!" Floral Latte Cookie grabbed the back and took out some red tissue papers. "I know how you've been asking for one for a while now." Nightshade Berry Cookie chuckled. Floral Latte Cookie gasped as she took out a white stuffed dragon and red the tag on it. "An.. i... vory dragon plushy!" She hugged it with pure joy. "I will name them... noodle... because it reminds me of those noodle dragons." She giggled. "Go on Blueberry." Nightshade Berry Cookie said looking at Blueberry Coffee Cookie. Blueberry Coffee Cookie was hesitant. He stood up and placed the ring of vines on Floral Latte Cookie's head. "Hopefully I do this right..." He mumbled. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "Flos coronam...?" He spoke as he put his hand on the vines. A green light emitted from the palm of his hand and flowers began to sprout of the vines.

Floral Latte Cookie gasped. Blueberry Coffee Cookie was shocked. "It worked! Yes!" He jumped with excitement. "Did you just do your first spell!?" Floral Latte Cookie said, surprised. "Yes! I've been practicing just for this!" "I'm even surprised that you did a spell at your age." Cappuccino Cookie chuckled. "Thank you, Blue!" Floral Latte Cookie stood up and hugged her brother tightly. "To- tight!" He coughed out. She let go and they both sat down. "What did you get her, Cappu?" "It may seem random, but you will understand." Cappuccino Cookie reached her hand behind Floral Latte Cookie's ear and pulled an old wizards hat. "A magic hat?" Floral Latte Cookie seemed confused. "Not just any hat, the wizard in the hat." Cappuccino Cookie chuckled. Blueberry Coffee Cookie fizzed his glasses as he took a closer look. "There is a wizard in that hat?" They didn't really understand this information since the hat was torn up in many places. "Hmm... your right, that's no presentable way to appear, no is if?" Cappuccino Cookie leaned back, putting her hand behind her.

The hat started moving and got out of Cappuccino Cookie's grip. "Woah! Is it real?!" Blueberry Coffee Cookie was amazed. The hat sat on the ground to then jump in the air. It spun and once it touch the ground, it looked brand new. "How the- where did you get this?" Nightshade Berry Cookie asked. Cappuccino Cookie laughed before speaking, "I have my ways. Now just put on the hat, Floral." Floral did as told and put the bag on her head, only for it to be too big. It fell and covered her eyes. "I think magic hat is to big for me..." she mumbled. "How does the wizard in the hat work?" Blueberry Coffee Cookie asked, fascinated. "Well first, let's see how many wishes Floral gets for her birthday." Cappuccino Cookie said. A voice came from the hat, kind of an annoying voice. "Hmm... birthday girl... I see. For you, wishes three for you with no fee, little girl." "Woah! That's so cool!" Cappuccino Cookie chuckled, "When you want to make a wish, just wear the hat and say "I wish" for whatever you want." "Like that story from the fairy tale book! Uhm, what was it called?" "It's like the genie and the lamp!" Blueberry Coffee Cookie answered, still very fascinated.

"Uhm- but I don't know wha- t to wish fo- r." She adjusted the hat so it didn't cover her eyes to then use her inhaler. "Out of everything in this world, all over Earthbread, what would you wish for?" "Uhm... hmm... new coloring set!" She exclaimed with joy. "Your wish shall be granted!" The hat spoke. Floral Latte Cookie then felt something on her head that was the hat. She took off the hat and packets of colors fell off her head. "So cool!" She exclaimed. "Aw... I want to make a wish from the hat wizard." Blueberry Coffee Cookie complained. Cappuccino Cookie chuckled. "Maybe for your birthday the wizard can come." "I'm still shocked that this is a real thing." Nightshade Berry Cookie said, still in shock.

"The wizard and the hat... hm, haven't heard that story in years..." Gouda Cheese Cookie whispered to himself. "I never did. What even is the wizard in that hat?" Crunchy Chip Cookie whispered his question. "A story Cappuccino and I made up when we were kids." Gouda Cheese Cookie simply replied. "So it's- no real?" "Nope." "Then how is that hat-" "Hat behind the back trick..." "the what?" Everyone was left confused, and Gouda Cheese Cookie just stayed silent. "Hmm, I don't know how Cappuccino Cookie does it, and she never will tell me... that's all I know." He shrugged.

"For the rest of the day, the wizard will make your wishes come true, unless you used your last two up." Cappuccino Cookie explained. "Ooooh, that's so cool!" Floral Latte Cookie exclaimed. "We've been looking everywhere for you guys!" Gouda Cheese Cookie came walking in. "Oh, hi Gouda." "Uncle Gouda!" The two children ran up to Gouda Cheese Cookie and hugged him. "Come on, we need to get going, everyone's ready and packed." Mocha Cookie walked in as well. "Oh, well we were just finishing up here." Nightshade Berry Cookie said before standing up. "Mhm. Oh, Floral, don't forget the hat, you only get them for the day." Cappuccino Cookie said, standing up while still having her hand behind her back. "Oh right!" Floral Latte Cookie ram back to put the wizard hat on and started eating the rest of her cupcake. She ran outside and Blueberry Coffee Cookie followed.

Nightshade Berry Cookie picked up the mess and put it all in the bag. "You didn't tell us you were celebrating Floral's birthday." Gouda Cheese Cookie spoke as they all left the room. "We did, you just forgot, Swiss brain." Cappuccino Cookie laughed as she read long punch Gouda Cheese Cookie's arm. "Oh... my bad." "What is the wizard and the hat story?" Crunchy Chip Cookie asked. "A story Gouda and I made up as kids... it sort of was based off of the genie and the lamp story... just slightly different." Cappuccino Cookie explained and she took out a hat that was behind her back. "And I just magic I learned a while back for this." Nightshade Berry Cookie still had a question that bugged him, "What about the voice?" Cappuccino Cookie mumbled something that no one really heard. "What was that?" "I have my ways... now let's move on then." Cappuccino Cookie walked ahead of everybody else. The others just shrugged it off and headed to the entrance of the castle.

"Are you all ready to go then?" HollyBerry Cookie asked. "Yup! Let's go!" Gingerbave said enthusiastically. They all exited the castle to then exit the kingdom. Their journey continues now, and a lot had been unloaded.

"May my spirit protect you on this journey..."
Posting chapters will be more slower since finals have begun for me, but I will be doing my best in writing the chapters. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far. :)
Yours truly - Moony

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