First Heist

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A peacful night it is. Almost everyone in the kingdom was fast asleep. Most of the snow was melted by now. The moon lit the streets to where we can see two cookies. A detective drinking coffee and a bounty hunter holding posters. They were talking about the new trouble maker in the kingdom.

"So what did you find about this criminal, Rye Cookie?" The detective spoke. "Well it took me a while, but I did find bounty posters of this 'Shadow Thief'." Rye Cookie said while look at bounty posters. "They've been doin this for a long time... and the reward of their capture is... a lot of money now." "Now?" "As I said before, they've been doing this job for a while now. Starting from being wanted for a reward of around 20 coins, were I'm guessing is when they begun, to now reward worth around 7 to 9 thousand." Rye Cookie stated while trying to take a closer look at the poster for the streets got dimmer from a cloud covering the moon. Detective Almond Cookie started to choke on his coffee. "Thousand?" "Mhm, and usually when they are spotted they wear their grey cloak, but when trying to hide they either are in plain sight, hidden as an unknown cookie that is usually standing out or- something..." she started squinting as she was trying to read the description. "Odd, this part of the poster is crossed out." "Where did you say you got these posters?" Rye Cookie looked away from the posters and looked at the detective. "Tryin' to find these wasn't easy, but the older posters are from random places and the more recent ones are mainly in from a place called 'Neon Gummy City' and some of places around Earthbread." "Neon Gummy City? I never heard of city that is called 'Neon Gummy'." They both looked confused. "Neither have I so I did go a bit further to find anymore information of this criminal there." "And?" "There are three cookies who work in law who have encountered 'em many times. An officer, a detective, and their assistant." "Hmmm... we could talk to them to find out more about this 'Shadow Thief' and how we could try and capture them." Detective Almond Cookie stated as he stopped walking.

Rye Cookie was still walking, not noticing that Almond Cookie stopped for she was trying to read the bounty posters. She lifted her to turn around to notice he stopped but also to notice something else. "Uh-" it was a hooded figure in a grey cloak. "So do you know how to immediately contact these cookies from Neon Gummy City? We need to find out how to find this criminal." "Uh- Almond, do you mean the one behind you?" Rye Cookie said pointing at the figure. Almond Cookie turned around to see the figure to see the figure for it to then run away. "What?!" "They look like they are heading to the museum detective." Almond immediately took out his radio and turned it out. "There is a criminal heading to the Guild Museum we need cookies there! Inform Eclair Cookie immediately!" After he said this someone responded, "On it detective." Almond Cookie started running to the direction the thief went. Rye Cookie followed. They ended up catching up to the criminal and chased them.

The Shadow Thief turned a corner in to an alley way. As both the detective and bounty hunter thought they cornered them, they jumped on a dumpster to then jump on a latter of an apartment. They climbed up and continued to jump to make it to the roof. Both Rye Cookie and Almond Cookie's eyes widened at how they easily were able to do that. Hey looked at each other as they tried to figure out the fastest way to get on the roof.
With the criminal, they were running and jumping onto build to building, heading towards the Guild Museum. 10 buildings away from the museum, they stopped at the edge of the one they were on. Looking ahead to see the museum. "A-a-nd I'm online." They said touching an earpiece. "So what am I looking at Bud?" The thief said. A male voice came from the earpiece, "Are you sure you wanna do this, S? The rest of us are having second thoughts about this." "I'll be fine, you know I've done this before." "Technically in other places, but this is your-" the voice was cut of, for the thief interrupted them. "First heist?" "Yeah, in a new place we recently heard about." "Just tell me what I'm looking at Bud." "Fine. So your gonna go to the roof of the Guild museum, there we have to disable security." "'Ight, bet." Their accent changed as they stared to jump to the next buildings and running till they reached the museum. "Do you have to do those accents?" "I do me and you do you." They made it to the roof of the museum. "Wait did you set the sm-" the voice was interrupted, "Yep, already did."

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