It Will Only Get Worse

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Morning came across the entire berry jungle. The sun shined brightly today, but yet there were more clouds than the days before. The same warm, humid climate was starting to pick up as the group of cookies started waking up. Today they were going to investigate what happened to the Berry Kingdom and why it seemed abandoned.

Both Wild Berry Cookie and HollyBerry Cookie were extremely worried, for they have never seen the Berry Kingdom this quiet or empty. They both were quiet as they were lost in thought, full of concern for the cookies in the kingdom. All the cookies packed their items and had something to eat before heading off. The jungle was rather quiet which made this situation feel worse. "I don't like the feeling of this..." Black Raisin Cookie spoke as she looked around. "Hm... you two know the short cut, we follow you." Cappuccino Cookie said as she looked up from the map and at both HollyBerry Cookie and Wild Berry Cookie. They stayed quiet till HollyBerry Cookie spoke, "We head down this way and we will find a path." She point to a specific direct and they all followed the two cookies.

It was still silent as they walked through the jungle, passing nothing, but vegetation. They made sure they were prepared for anything to attack. So far, nothing out of the ordinary except the silence. "Uhm... question, Cappuccino Cookie..." White Lily Cookie quietly spoke. "Mhm?" Cappuccino Cookie hummed in response. "A few days ago, when we found you tied up in vines, uhm... did you see our here anything like a big odd creature?" White Lily Cookie asked. "Big odd creature... depends what your looking for, but when I was in the jungle before, no... nothing much, why?" Cappuccino Cookie explained. Everyone else just looked at each other. "Never mind..." White Lily Cookie spoke before anyone else could answer.

The jungle remained quiet, even quieter than a mouse. All they could hear was there footsteps in the dirt. "This is like the forest from before..." Crunchy Chip Cookie spoke. "The animals are afraid again..." Nightshade Berry Cookie mumbled under his breath. They continued walking in the forest as it remained dead silent.

"H̸̪͊̒ō̵̝̭͙̊l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓B̸̩̰͕̙͈̏͛̒̐̽è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓ C̸̢̱̗̟̍͗̈́̆͗͒͊̑͘͜ō̵̝̭͙̊ō̵̝̭͙̊k̴̼̺̤̗͒͐͊͜ͅī̶̧͙͖̲̘è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜"
"W̴͔̏̕ī̶̧͙͖̲̘l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔d̶͇͆̓̂̆͌͛͠ B̸̩̰͕̙͈̏͛̒̐̽è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓ C̸̢̱̗̟̍͗̈́̆͗͒͊̑͘͜ō̵̝̭͙̊ō̵̝̭͙̊k̴̼̺̤̗͒͐͊͜ͅī̶̧͙͖̲̘è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜"

Whispers were heard. Both Wild Berry Cookie and HollyBerry Cookie looked around in confusions, not knowing where the whispers came from. "Is everything alright?" Financier Cookie asked. "Uhm... yeah, I thought I just heard something... uhm anyway, let's move on." HollyBerry Cookie spoke, though, she seemed slightly distracted. The cookies continued to walk to then find a path. "Now we just follow this path to find the docks." HollyBerry Cookie said as she pointed down the path. The all walked cautiously through the path as they were being quite vigilant about their surroundings, especially through the vegetation.

Suddenly the cream wolves stopped in their tracks as their ears perked up. The looked around the vegetation. Everyone else stopped as well. The cream wolves growled as they faced forward a of the path. "What is it?" The cream wolves then ran ahead without any hesitation. It was silent for a bit, the cookies staying with guard up. Nothing. So far nothing had happened. The cookies slowly put their weapons down. They then heard running steps of the paws of the creams wolves. The cream wolves came back whimpering as they hid behind the cookies. They looked frightened. Before anyone could move to protect themselves, two cookie like creatures had jumped at them. They both looked exactly like Berrian soldiers, but their dough was of black ooze and ashes, and their faces unclear with glowing purple eyes and a sharp toothy mouth that glowed as well.

Friends, Courage, Frauds, and Fears (Cookie Run)Where stories live. Discover now