Meetings and Anger

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The Ancient Hero cookies and the cookies of the Republic revived the letters Gingerbrave has sent them. Gingerbrave had sent a letter to Cappuccino Cookie, telling her there will be a meeting hosted. The Ancients arrived at middle day, but the consul hasn't yet. They just have to wait for Cappuccino Cookie.
The Ancients waited in a room where they are going to have the meeting. They all were sitting quietly. The Ancient's guards were standing next to them. Each of them had one or two guards. Gingerbrave and his friends come walking in to take a seat to also wait. They were offered drinks and accepted, still waiting. Wizard Cookie got up and left to get some drinks.

Right after he left, a guard came in. It was the archer from before. Caramel Arrow Cookie. "There are cookies at the entrance. They are waiting for Gingerbrave." She spoke. Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Custard Cookie III, and Chili Pepper Cookie got up and walked to the entrance of the castle. It was rather quiet in the halls. No one spoke. Chili Pepper Cookie decided to break the silence, "What is this urgent thing they are gonna talk about?" "Uhm... the letter didn't really say what it was really about... just that is was the matter of risking our lives pretty much..." Gingerbrave Cookie said. They reached the castle doors.

They opened the doors to see three cookies. One of the cookies, who had a purple scarf over their nose, had a choco hawk on their arm. Another looked like a wizard holding a back pack, and the other was wearing a bright yellow coat and held a staff with an orange crystal lily on the top. There was a cream wolf sitting next them. "Uh- are you Gingerbrave?" The purple scarf cookie asked. "Yes I am! Are you guys here for the meeting?" "Yes..." "W- where is Cappuccino Cookie?" Strawberry Cookie asked. "Uhm- she-" the cookie was interrupted by the young prince, "Will she be showing up later?" "I- uh- I guess you can say that?" The purple scarf cookie said, sounding a bit confused. Gingerbrave let the cookies in and started leading them to the meeting room.

"So are you guys and Cappuccino Cookie the only ones coming?" Gingerbrave asked. "Well- we are expecting someone else to show- up" the yellow coat cookie said while looking around. They all entered the meeting room to see the Ancients and guards waiting patiently. They all looked up to see the cookies enter. Wizard Cookie was passing out the drinks. "You must be the ones to call for this meeting?" The king of the Dark Cacao Cookie asked in a cold tone. The cookies who entered took a seat in empty chairs. The choco hawk looked at some of the Ancients and guards, tilting its head in confusion. "Well yes... sort of? I mean the one who called this meeting still needs to show..." The purple scarf cookie said while looking at the hawk. The hawk looked back and peck the cookies head. "And where are they?" Golden Cheese Cookie asked. "W- well- they are- or- uhm- will show- are here- I don't really know how to explain this-" the wizard stuttered. "So you guys come here with a fucking feathered brain rat, without the actual cookie who called this meeting." "Now- there isn't a need to get frustrated!" Pure Vanilla Cookie said concerned. "Well they show up without everyone and we've been waiting for no reason!" The cookies started arguing. The guards tried calming everyone down with no luck. "Feather brain rat?!"

Everyone froze as they heard another voice they didn't recognized. The hawk jumped of the arm of the cookie and started walking to Chili Pepper Cookie. "You shouldn't have said that..." the yellow coat cookie said quietly. "Now listen hear you spicy haired cookie! I am not a feather brain! For a bird that can speak, I wouldn't call my self a feather brain!" The hawk spoke angrily, still walking to Chili Pepper Cookie. Everyone was shocked as their eyes widened. "And a rat?! A rat?! I am a hawk, a CH-O-CO HAWK!" It shouted, its beak nearly touching Chili Pepper's face. "AND, a red tailed choco hawk as a. matter. of. fact!" It finally said while turning. It opened its wings, hitting Chili Pepper Cookie in the face and it flew back to the purple scarf cookie's arm. "I'm not talking to them! Hmph!" The hawk muttered, facing the purple scarf cookie.

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