The Milkshake Trio

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It was a peaceful day in the kingdom. Urgent letters were sent, yes, but the kingdom was still calm. The M.E.H are still trying to figure out who the Shadow Thief is, where did they come from, and how that can find them. Detective Almond Cookie was in luck that Rye Cookie managed to find a lead to find more information about this criminal. Almond Cookie had contacted the police department of Neon Gummy City. The officer who answered showed a lot of interest on the case of the Shadow Thief. Almond Cookie requested that someone from this police department to come visit the kingdom to discuss these matters of this case. The department agreed and had sent three of their best cookies to the Cookie Kingdom. They are to meet with Almond Cookie at the kingdom's café.
Almond Cookie was waiting in the café as he sat at a table, drinking his usual coffee, and looking through the case papers. Old wanted posters to the newest one, old newspapers and new newspapers of their crime, and papers of the robberies they just had done in the Cookie Kingdom. Almond Cookie even read that the Ancient Heroes had their items stolen as well by an imposter of them. He decided to look on that later, after this meet up.

He took a sip of his coffee to here the door of the café. He looked up to see three unfamiliar cookies. A male cookie with brown hair and a cold expression on his face, a female cookie wearing a light brown coat and had pink hair, and another male cookie who has light purple hair and seemed to be rather quiet. They walked up to the counter and the first cookie asked something. The barista working there pointed towards Almond Cookie while raising an eyebrow. They thanked them and walked towards Almond Cookie. "Are you the detective who called the police department of Neon Gummy City?" The cookie in the light brown coat asked. "Are you three the ones who were sent here?" Almond Cookie asked instead of answering. "We are on the right page then. Yes, yes we are." She replied as she sat across Almond Cookie. The other two also sat down.

"I'm detective Strawberry Milkshake Cookie." The cookie in the light brown coat introduced herself with a warm hearted tone in her voice. "I'm Almond Cookie. Detective Almond Cookie." Almond Cookie introduced himself to the three. Strawberry Milkshake then elbowed the cookie with a cold expression. He groaned before responding, "I'm officer Coffee Milkshake Cookie." "Et je suis un biscuit au lait frappé aux raisins." The other spoke in a different language. Almond Cookie just raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, his first language is French." Strawberry Milkshake Cookie apologized. "Grape, English." The both whispered. "Oh, my bad. I- er- am Grape Milkshake Cookie. I am their assistant." He introduced himself with a soft smile.

"So you three are the some of the best in Neon Gummy City?" Almond Cookie asked. "I guess you can say that, but technically, we are the only ones that try our best in our jobs." Strawberry Milkshake Cookie answered. "So what is this about the Shadow Thief being her?" Coffee Milkshake Cookie asked, changing the subject. "Well, I suppose they are in this kingdom. If not, then maybe between this kingdom and four others." "Well that's not good..." one of the cookies mumbled. "I just wanted to ask if there is anymore information about this Shadow Thief that this and the other kingdoms don't know about." Almond Cookie stated.

"Well, for one, the Shadow Thief doesn't work alone." Coffee Milkshake Cookie spoke. "What do you mean?" "Well, the Shadow Thief works with another criminal called Phantom Swiss. They usually do their mischief and crimes together." Strawberry Milkshake Cookie explained. "Well, we haven't seen anything of this other criminal, nor that they were along with anyone else on their- heist..." Almond Cookie realized something. There was someone else on that one heist. "What's wrong?" "There was... but I doubt it was this Phantom Swiss." Almond Cookie began looking through the papers he had. He grabbed one a showed the three cookies the paper, "This one cookie was found unconscious in the train this Shadow Thief took on their escape. He was taken into custody right after." The three cookies looked at the cookie and looked at each other. "Maybe this cookie has a connection with with Shadow..." strawberry Milkshake suggested. "Is it possible if we can see him?"

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