Following the Nose that Knows

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Day is already becoming a scorching hot, sandy place. The wind felt dry and the parmesand was already starting to melt in the sun. With no idea where in the desert they are, the cookies had just started the day and just finished breakfast. Now they were trying to figure out what happened and what to do next. Though, it may not be as hot as in the Dragon's Valley, it still felt like their dough was burning from the sun.

Gingerbrave held the map as he took his last bite of his stamina jelly. "Gingerbrave, you usually need help to read a regular map, what makes you think you can read these ancient ones with old, odd side notes and writings?" Wizard Cookie intercepted as he picked up his wand staff. "I don't know, I was just taking a look at it. That's all." Gingerbrave replied as he looked up, put his hands down to his sides, still holding the map in one. "Fine... either way, the others want to take a look at it too, so come on." Wizard Cookie said as he turned around to walk back to the other cookies. Gingerbrave sped walked to catch up to Wizard Cookie. "You really think I would know where to go?" The to two cookies heard someone complain. "You were the one figuring out the map! How do you not know where to go?!" Another cookie shouted. The two cookies looked at each other confused and looked at what the commotion was.

"I told you, I read the map, I don't know how we got here, and I can't tell where we are by the sky." Cappuccino Cookie spoke, slightly muffled with food, as she turned away from Golden Cheese Cookie. "We never asked you to tell us where we are by the sky!" Golden Cheese Cookie replied with annoyance. "What is going on?" Wizard Cookie asked concerned. "Oh, everything's fine. The one problem is Cappuccino Cookie." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said as she rolled her eyes. "What else am I supposed to do? I have no idea on how I can help in this situation." Cappuccino Cookie argue back. "This is just becoming a mess." Chili Pepper Cookie said as she crossed her arms.

"Ok, what do you know, Cappuccino Cookie?" Wizard Cookie asked as he point his staff towards her. "Hmm... I do know..." She then shift, a trail of glowing orange trailed its way behind Wizard Cookie only for a brownie bear to appear behind him. "How to use a hand puppet without thumbs." The bear spoke as it had a dragon puppet on its paw. Wizard Cookie jumped as he exclaimed and immediately turned around to see the bear. "Though... it's slightly harder to do so..." Cappuccino mumbled as she looked at the puppet. "What does a puppet have to do with any of this?" Dark Cacao Cookie muttered. "Well, the wizard did ask what she knows, didn't he?" Cappuccino had moved the puppets mouth, talking, yet her mouth didn't move at all. The voice was rather high pitched yet sounded more like male than Cappuccino's regular voice. Nightshade Berry Cookie sighed as he closed his eyes, clearly showing annoyance. "You're sleep deprived aren't you?" He asked, even his tone of voice sounded annoyed. "Hmmmm... maybe..." Cappuccino looked away. "Well slightly, at least I did get more sleep when the heat cooled down at night." She looked back at the annoyed cookie, having a smile on her face.

"Wait, what do you mean the heat cooled down?" Wizard Cookie asked. "I mean, I woke up last night to notice that the light of the magma from outside the tent was gone and the entire place was cooled down. It felt better in my opinion." Cappuccino explained. "What would be better than this desert land is the snowy mountains near that kingdom." The puppet moved. Nightshade Berry Cookie took in a deep breath before speaking, "And you didn't decide to wake us up and say anything?" "Uh... one, I was too tired, and two, you guys told me not to wake you all up because the last time I did, I was threatened to be killed." Cappuccino explained. "And my question is, how can you handle this heat with that winter fur coat!" The puppet exclaimed right after. "Nobody was talking to you." Cappuccino shut down the question. "Can you at least put the puppet away..." Nightshade Berry Cookie sighed in annoyance, putting a hand over his face. "Hmm... no." Cappuccino replied with a smile.

"But we never asked if you know how to use a puppet, we meant if you knew about the kingdom!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed. "You should have been more specific then! Who knows what nonsense a simple cookie can reply if you aren't explaining what your asking for." The puppet again moved. "I just-" Wizard Cookie stopped himself before he shouted out of annoyance and took a deep breath to calm down. "Fine. What do you know about the kingdom we are heading to, or tried heading to before we got lost." Cappuccino took a few seconds of thought before responding. "Hmm.... The kingdom is known as the Loving Heart Kingdom, but also known as the kingdom of loved ones, uhhhh, opened hearts, love, or so on so forth. A lot of names, mainly indicated towards how the founder wanted all to love one another and had the purpose to end fights and wars..." Cappuccino explained in a tired tone as her joyful expression disappeared.

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