Back to Dark Memories to Just Meeting an old Lilian Family Friend

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White Lily Cookie's POV:

I made to the abandoned castle that I used to live in. This feels very, very unpleasant. The dark memories that are here when I was... her. Just think about the terrible things I did sends shivers down my spine. It was starting get dark and I was just at the entrance of the castle. I opened the doors, which seemed to be slightly stuck on the hinges. I had to give it a good push in order to open it. The inside was dark and eerie.

I walked in only for the doors to close on their own. I jumped back at the sudden loud bang of the doors. It was too dark to even see what was in front of me the only light source I had was the dim green glow of my soul jam. The windows in the hallway were either full of muck, covered by a torn red curtain, or broken. The walls were of stones that were slowly crumbling. "Where is the library again..." I said while wondering the halls of the castle. 'Just turn the corner and pass the two doors.' I heard a familiar voice in my head. Oh not now...

I did as told and turned the corner. I know I just turned back to my normal self, but... Dark Enchantress Cookie still didn't leave. I passed the first two doors I saw and on the third entrance, I saw two big doors. I opened it for a cold breeze to hit my face. "I don't remember this place being cold..." I mumbled. I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I just want to find my books and take them back to the Vanilla Kingdom. As I put the thought of just finding my books, I felt someone's warm breath on my neck behind me. My eyes widened as I became still like a statue. I turned on my heel to see nobody was there. Ok- this place is a lot creepier than I though it would. I rushed into the library and started looking for the books. "Lumos..." I whispered. A light started to glow on top of my staff as it illuminated the room. I could see a lot better now. I continued to look for he books I was missing.
-Strawberry Jam (Blood) Warning-
-An Hour or Two Later-

I have been looking for these books for what felt like many hours. Most of the book shelves were empty and some even had spider webs. The light on my staff went out once again. "Ugh... where are these books..." I groaned as I took a seat at the nearest chair. I said the light spell again and the light on my staff lit up again. I take out my phone to check the time just to see it was about to be 9:00 in the night. "April 10 during the night in this horrible place... I don't even know why I'm looking for these books..." I said putting away my phone. I put my staff leaning against the chair to the put my elbows on my legs and face in my hands. I groan in frustration.

"Lily" an echo was heard.

"Huh?" I lifted my head as I looked around. "Hello?" I said putting my hands down. Wait- no one was supposed to be here... this is an abandoned castle. "I swear if you are messing with me again..." I muttered under my breath annoyed. 'It wasn't me, I just helped you find your way.' Ok fine... then who said my name? I got up grabbing my staff to start walking away from the chair. Something didn't feel right. I just want to leave... I don't even know why I need those books. 'You'll finally understand.' A memory popped in my head. The meeting. Those last words that the cookie said. "Understand what?" Books...

"White Lily" a deep quiet voice echoed.

I looked around, feeling frightened. "Uhm... h- hello?" Suddenly the lights in the library started flickering on and off. My spell was also flickering till it went out. The flickering stopped in the library stopped as well. "L- lumos..." I said the spell just for it not to work. "W- what? Lumos..." I softly tapped my staff on the ground. That didn't work. "Great..." I said, holding my staff closely. As I took a step, a light on my staff appeared. The spell- worked? "O-oka-ay then..." I said nervously. I walked past book shelf by book shelf and it feels like it doesn't end. I looked through between every shelf looking for the exit. "What is going on?" I looked up ahead to see darkness. I used my staff and the light on top of it flew ahead. It never ended. "What-" I said the spell and a light appeared on top my staff. "I swear the exit was this way..." 'Don't ask me what to do, I don't know what to do here...' "You are being so helpful you know..." I mumbled annoyed. After a while of walking, it felt like I didn't move, but I could see a figure up ahead. I raised my brow in confusion. "Hello!?" I shouted. The figure didn't move or say a thing. They just stood there, glowing red, and it seemed they wore armor and a torn cape.

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