Battle to the Death

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"Welcome one and all to the annual Arena Battle!" A voice was heard. Six cookies were starting to wake up. One of the immediately sat up, startled from the voice. "What the in the flames of the oven happened?" Crunchy Chip asked, frantically looking around. He was a a dim lit room were there was a wooden and metal gate way. There was a lever next to it which opened the gate way. The other cookies sat up, confused off what is happening. "Where are we?" Cotija Cheese Cookie asked. "Up an' at 'em cookies! Y'er big show is 'bout to 'appen!" A cookie rushed in, pushing the six cookies on the ground up. "Who the hell are you?!" Raspberry Cookie asked. "Don' matta! 'Ere! Take y'er weapons!" The cookie quickly said, throwing the cookies weapons on the ground. "Why are you giving us our weapons?" Financier Cookie asked as she picked up her sword, skeptical of the situation. "No time to explain to y'all! Look! Ya six got this! I believe in y'all!" He said, trying to encourage them. "What do you mean, that we "got this"?" "'Onestly, I don' really believe in y'all, I just be doin' my job 'ere. I believe ya six are dead." The cookie ignored the question. The sound of chains were heard as the door was lifted from the ground. Bright light shined from the other side and they heard a loud cheering crowd. "Go get 'em!" The cookie said, shoving the cookies to the edge of the room.

"Please welcome, The Six Fighters of the years Arena Battle to the Death!" A host said enthusiastically in their microphone. The six cookies slowly walked out, covering there eyes from the sudden bright light. The crowd cheered as they saw the cookies walk out. The gate had fell shut closed, startling the cookies. A cookie riding a cinnamon wyvern flew down next to the six cookies and landed on the ground. "Welcome to the Battle Arena! I'm your host, Cinnamon Butter Cookie!" The cookie said into his microphone. "You six are new so I'll explain the rules here." He said, moving the microphone away from his face so it the crowd didn't hear. "You six have been chosen to fight in the arena of Flame Spirit Kingdom. I wish I could've been you, not really..." he whispered the last bit. "Now your goal is to survive all the rounds of the arena. Alright? And remember, no cursing, this year is family night at the arena." The six cookies slowly nodded. Cinnamon Butter Cookie put the microphone near his face again, "The prize for these cookies, if they win, will be freedom and! To free there fellow friends from being scorched slash melted in the flowing magma, below them!" The cookie said, making the wyvern fly up, now heading to a cage being hung over boiling lava syrup. There were cookies, wolves, and birds inside who were tied up in chains or ropes, barely waking up. The crowd started cheering again.

"If they lose, they will perish by the beast of the arena and their friends in the cage will be dropped to burn alive!" Cinnamon Butter Cookie said into his microphone. The cookies in the cage and arena grounds were shock at these words, for they had no idea what was going on. On the other end of the arena was another gate, with something trying. To break it on the other side. "Now let's welcome the beast of the first round! Drum roll plea-ea-eas!" The crowd began creating a thumping sound to resemble a drum roll as the rooted. "The Magma Beast of Mount Bitter!" The host exclaimed into his microphone as the gates started raising. A beast rushed out as it tried ramming into the gate again. The crowd started cheering as the beast let out a huge roar, echoing through the walls of the stadium. "Oh for the Divines sake..." Raspberry Cookie said. The six cookies looked up in shock and fear as they saw the beast run in.

The beast looked around, enraged. Lava was dripping from it. It tried snapping at the host who was riding a wyvern, only for them to dodge and fly down to the cookies. "If I were you guys, I would either attack, or run." He said before flying up high, out of reach. The magma creature took notice of the six cookies and starting running towards them. "Look out!" The cookies ran as fast as they could out of the way, making the creature hit his head against the wall quite hard. It fell to the ground, as it yelped in pain. "Oooh, head slam into a wall..." the host said into his microphone. The beast slowly got up, rubbing his head. It turned around at the cookies with a furious look and let out a terrible roar again, worse from the first one. The six cookies raised their weapons, ready to attack.

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