A New Trouble Maker

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It has been a week since the new cookie moved into the kingdom. The snow still is slowly melting away. Everything in the kingdom seemed to be in order. Cookies are starting to set the kingdom up for the spring and removing all the new years celebration decorations. In the plaza, Gingerbrave and his friends were taking down some decorations and setting up for the spring concert.

"So where do you think these look best?" Gingerbrave asked holding out a wreath of cherry blossom. "I think we should put those on the lamp post." Strawberry Cookie said. "I agree." Wizard Cookie said before taking down so decorations. They continued to decorate the entire place. After an hour or two they were done with most of the plaza. Gingerbrave put a cherry blossom wreath on the last lamp post. "There we go." He got down and helped the others with the rest of the decorations. "I think your king needs help" Custard Cookie III said frustrated while getting tangled up in some pink ribbon. "Ugh, let me cut the ribbon..." Chili Pepper Cookie said annoyed while walking up to Custard Cookie III. She begins look in here pockets for her knives to find them gone. "Ok, who the fuck took my knives?" The five looked at each other confused. "No one did." Gingerbrave spoke in respons to Chili Pepper Cookie's question. The five then see Latte Cookie and a younger cookie with her walking towards them. They seem to be looking for something. "Oh, hello!" Latte Cookie greeted as she saw the five cookies who looked confused. "Hi!" Gingerbrave greeted back. "Have you seen Cream Puff Cookie's jelly wand and my spoon? We've been looking for them for w but now." Latte cookie asked and stated. "I'm afraid not, Latte Cookie, but we can help you look for them." Wizard Cookie said as he reached to where he left his staff. He ended up grabbing thin air. "HUH?! Wh- who took my staff?!" He shouted, looking very worried. "Is it j- just me, or is our stuff disappearing?" "Yeah, I just realize my candy cane is gone!" Gingerbrave exclaimed with a shocked look on his face. "My scepter!" Custard shouted as he wobbled from being wrapped in ribbon. The six cookies went to Custard Cookie III to help him get out of the ribbon. "Hmhmhm, how sweet." Someone laughing in hums spoke. The cookies got up and looked around to see who was speaking, but they saw nobody. "Was I the only one who heard that or?" "Best better look up." The same voice said. Everybody did as said and looked up. There on a lamp post was a figure. The figure had a gray cloak that was torn up at some parts. A red jewel brooch was what pinned and held the cloak right under the cookies neck. Their face wasn't visible for they had the hood over their head. They were wearing a light grey button up shirt and dark gray jeans. They were sitting on top of the lamp post playing with a candy cane while some items where on their lap.

"Tsk tsk tsk. A cookie shouldn't leave their stuff in plain sight. You would be left with nothing to fight." A smile was visible under the hood. "Who the fuck are you?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked. "Hmmm, I go by many... many names you can say. I guess most call me the 'Shadow Thief', but you can call me anything you want." They replied, starting to kick their feet. "Isn't that our stuff?" Gingerbrave asked the figure who goes by the Shadow Thief. "Oh these little trinkets? Hmmm, these could be your stuff." They said to then let out a chuckle. They put the candy cane in their lap to grab a familiar looking wand. The Shadow Thief examined it and then spoke, "Hmmm, jelly core. Quite rare indeed. Impressive." They looked down to Cream Puff Cookie. "So your the youngest graduated wizard. I've heard quite a lot about you from lands afar, including in a blizzard." "W- what?" Cream Puff Cookie looked very confused. "Look, all I'm saying is you're famous li'l cookie. Uh- Many heard of you from very, very far from this kingdom. You are from... er- Par- Parfawhatachamacallit." The seven cookies looked very confused. "Soooo..." they grabbed all the items in their lap and jumped down the lamp post, "Catch ya later, jelligator!" They began running. "Hey give me back my knives you bitch!" Chili Pepper Cookie yelled chasing the mysterious cookie. The rest of the cookies began to chased them. They heard laughter from where they were running, "You can run, so try to get me gingerbread man! BAHAHAHA!"

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