Urgent Letter

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"IT WAS THE BOOK! THE BOOK IT- IT WAS GLOWING AND YOU- KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!" Nightshade Berry Cookie yelled in a panic. Cappuccino Cookie's anger vanished and her eyes widen.


"Please tell me you are joking!" Cappuccino Cookie said in worry. "Cappu... the stories are coming true..." Nightshade Berry Cookie looking down in disappointment. Cappuccino Cookie started walking back and forth, arms crossed as she started biting her and in worry. "This isn't good... w- we don't even know where the other stones are or- or t- the other books- a- and how are w- we g- gonna find the family's?" She started muttering to herself. The others were really confused. "Now hold on, what the fuck are you guys talking about?" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said making both Nightshade Berry Cookie and Cappuccino Cookie look up at her. They then looked at each other, "Honey... I- I think it's time to tell them what the book was actually about..." With a sigh... Cappuccino Cookie took her hand away from her mouth and spoke, "The book I have been studying isn't a normal artifact book... It is a book with a connection of the family." "Uh... can you clarify it better?" Gouda Cookie said confused. "Gouda- you remember the stories we were told when we were kids? The ones of the lost kingdoms and nightmareirc creature?" "Hmmm... like the- uhm." Gouda Cookie struggled to remember what she was talking about. "Ugh, Nightmare's lullaby?" Cappuccino Cookie said putting her hand on her face in frustration. "Oh! Yeah! The stories about how the king of fears started rampaging, no?" "Yes, Gouda... well those stories... aren't a fairy tale, folk tale, or just songs. They are real." Gouda Cookie hummed in response. "Now, when Shade and I were dating, he showed me this book his father had, and as I studied it, it showed more than I expected... including about our family and some... unfortunate events." "Like someone wrote it down?" "Yes... I guess you can say that. As I studied it, it tells of events that will occur as well, like Spider Queen or other horrible events."

"How old is this book exactly?" Mocha Cookie asked. "My father told me around hundreds of years old, and no cookie has written in it for years." Nightshade Berry Cookie said. "Yes... and most of the writings have come true... such as the sudden murders of kings and queens..." "Well, what's this gotta do with us?" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said, getting impatient. "According to the book... the king of fears will... return and finish what the traitor has begun..." Both Nightshade Berry Cookie and Mocha Cookie looked rather confused. "Traitor? I never heard of a traitor, nor of stories about one." Nightshade Berry Cookie said. "Now the problem is... the book only tells that there are other families like us... and books like this one that will tell us where these families are..." Gouda Cookie got up and looked disappointed. "Now if there is only a friend that will have the book!" He shouted angrily. "Exactly..." Cappuccino Cookie said in disappointment while sitting down next to Nightshade Berry Cookie. It went silent.

Coffee Cheesecake Cookie muttered something that wasn't able to be heard properly. Mocha Cookie looked at her confused, "What did you say?" "I said, if only the tales of the family friend existed, then they can help... because I remember a story about one of our ancestors gave a family close friend this important book..." Cappuccino Cookie's raised an eyebrow. "Wasn't that story about a Vanilla friend?" Gouda Cookie said. "Yeah..." Coffee Cheesecake started speaking, "but, who knows if that friend existed or if their family is alive." "THATS IT!" Cappuccino Cookie shouted as she immediately got up and ran to her office. The others looked at each other confused and eyes widen at the sudden shout. They got up and followed.

"Uhm, Honey? What are you doing?" Nightshade Berry Cookie asked, as the four walked in the office to see Cappuccino Cookie writing quickly. A cream wolf walked in concerned after hearing some shouts. "Vanillian friend... their family is still alive! I met a descendant not too long ago... that means there might be a chance of a connection..." "uh-huh, but how do you know this is the vanilla cookie's descendant?" Gouda Cookie asked. "Gouda- we learned how to see the past with a simple hand shake..." "Oh right." "This vanillian might help us find our family's book and the other books." "Hmm, so you are- writing a letter?" Mocha Cookie asked confused. "A meeting with the founders of this kingdom and the Ancient Heroes." "What?!" They four shouted. "You know if what the book has written is fulfilled, everyone is endangered, and if the king gets to the soul jams and the stones, there is no hope." The others looked at each other concerned, then nodded.

"Sincerely... Cappuccino Cookie... and the Guardians of the Hidden Mask's Stone..." Cappuccino Cookie said, finishing the letter. An owl tapped the window and they opened it. "To the founders of this kingdom." She said while closing the letter and putting red wax seal to close the letter. The seal had a mark with "C.F". Cappuccino Cookie gave the letter to the owl and the bird flew away, to the castle of the Cookie Kingdom.
-At the castle of the Cookie Kingdom-

It was starting to get late. The moon was shining in the sky. Most of the cookies of the kingdom were starting to go to bed. Even the cookies in the castle.

Gingerbrave's POV:

I was walking through the halls of the castle to head to my room. It was rather quiet and dim. All you could hear were the sound of crickets chirping. There was a question that kept bothering me. 'Who was that Courage Cookie?' Every time I tried to ignore it, the question loops around and back to my thoughts. I found the door to my room and entered inside. I put my candy cane on my beside table, turned off the light, and then laid on my back, sprawled out on my bed. I was rather more exhausted today. As I started dozing off, I heard a tapping at my window. I tried to ignore it but the tapping came again. "Hoo hoo." I heard an owl hooting. Wait, an owl?

I got up in confusion and walked to the window I heard the tapping and hooting from. I look out to see a white owl? I think Wizard Cookie told me this type of owl was called a sugar snow owl. I opened my window and the bird flew in. "AAAHH!" I yelled. The bird flew around my room and dropped a letter on my bed. It then flew out the window into the night sky. I was shocked at what happened. I closed the window and looked at the letter that laid on my bed. I grabbed it to see a red seal with the letters 'C.F'. "Weird." Turning the letter around, there was words that read, 'To the Founders of the Cookie Kingdom'. I opened the the envelope and took out the letter. I unfolded it and read it.

'Dear founders of the Cookie Kingdom,

I send this letter to you, for we request an urgent meeting. I ask of you to also invite the Ancient Heroes and anyone who knows of power as great as the soul jam to join this meeting. I also recommend they bring the best guards they may have. We ask you to have this meeting, for we have an extremely urgent matter to talk about. This urgent matter may even involve the risk of all cookies and all of Earthbread. I implore that you take this letter seriously and allow us to have this meeting in the castle.

If you do agree to this meeting, we thank you very much for having the time to listen to what we have to say.

Sincerely, Cappuccino Cookie and the other Guardians of the Masked Stone.'

"Guardians of the Masked Stone?" I asked myself. Other than that, this sounds really important. The risk of all of Earthbread and cookies? I exited my room to tell the others. They were shocked to hear about the urgent letter. I then wrote the letters to the Ancient Heroes and the Republic. I gave the letters to the blueberry birds and they flew off.

What are the tales that the unexpected visitors? What will happen in this meeting? We will have to find out.
Credits to my friend who helped me create the character, Mocha Cookie.

Friends, Courage, Frauds, and Fears (Cookie Run)Where stories live. Discover now