A Killer

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???'s POV:

I opened my eyes to see I was no longer in the throne room. 'Where am I?' I asked my self. I look around to see I'm in some training grounds. Ones I never seen before. There was grass everywhere and trees growing around the area. The ground which I stood on was made of dirt. I crouched down to feel the dirt in my hands. I- I never felt or seen dirt like this nor have I ever seen actual grass and living trees. 'Where on Earthbread am I?' I then noticed I was wearing armor and a cape. They looked rather familiar, but I couldn't put my mind to wear I have seen it before. I stood up to see a sword laying against a stand of weapons. I walked over to see that they were old fashioned weapons. Out of date as well. No one uses these weapons anymore. 'How strange...'

I was about to grab a sword only to hear running footsteps behind me. "Prince Bitter Choco Cream Cookie, thy father requests thy presence." I turned around to see a soldier of an unknown kingdom. Their armor looked nothing like the ones from my kingdom. 'Who are you and where am I?' I asked. "Thank you for notifying me..." I realized something. I wasn't able to speak. All the talking I was saying- it was in my head. I wasn't even controlling of what I spoke to the soldier. That wasn't my voice at all. The soldier bowed and left. Out of no where I wasn't able to control my movement and I started walking away from the training site. Up ahead, there was a giant castle, bigger than the one I know. The walls were of grey stone bricks and flags and banners where of bright yellow with silver designing.

I entered through an entrance of the castle and walked down the hall ways filled with armor stands. Up ahead where huge wooden doors with metal rings for the handles. I stopped in my tracks and turned my head, still unable to control my movements. I looked into an armor stand and sighed. Though I sound upset, I was in shock, or my mind was. A reflection of the armor stand showed a cookie. A cookie familiar yet wasn't. They looked almost like me, but their hair was completely brown with a light brown streak in it. Some scars were seen on the face as a cold serious look was staring into the reflections. 'Forget where am I, who the fuck am I?' I thought. The figure sighed as their face softened. They put a hand on the armor as bandages with strawberry jam were visible. The hand slid down as the cookie turned towards the wooden doors again. It was silent. To silent for my likings. My- or their steps were silent as the armor they wore clanked. Upon reaching the doors, they put their hand on the doors, yet was hesitant on opening them.

Taking a deep breath and holding it, I pushed the doors open and entered. A cookie looking out some glass doors. A cookie wearing a yellow coat with an attached coat belt on the back that floated. The clips at the end on the ribbon looked forward towards the door. The color of the coat was dark green. Half of the coat's edge was spiky while the other whale was more rounder. The cookie had yellow hair. "Thee had requested for my presence?" I said as I bowed. "Hm, yes. I wanted to talk to about something very important." The cookie said in a firm voice. I then walked up next to the cookie and looked out the glass doors to see a huge kingdom. "What is it thee wanted to talk to me about?" I turned my head to him. I was able to see his now. He had silver eyes and a short yellow beard. He wore a silver colored button up shirt with small dark grey design on the collar. His coat was hanging on his shoulders as he had his arms behind his back. He was looking down at the kingdom with a betrayal expression.

"My dear boy..." the cookie started as one side of the ribbon moved around me and pulled me closer to the cookie. This felt rather uncomfortable. "Tell me... what do thee see?" I looked back down at the kingdom to say many cookies, happy with what there doing and where they lived. "I see... kingdom... filled with cookies and prosperity. The kingdom this family lived in." I had no idea what this place is, but the words just came out of my mouth. "Do thee know how long this place took me to build from scratch?" The cookie asked. "Since the time thee met Mother?" "Hm-hm..." the cookie hummed his laughter. "Ever since I helped that small group of cookies survive and showed them what a true leader was, this kingdom only has grown better and better." The cookie then turned to me and I turned to him. "And now I pass the roll of leader to thee, my son." The cookie said as he proudly smiled.

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