Chapter 2: California

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El's pov

*at the car on the way to the airport*

I wouldn't stop crying. I've stopped for a little but I couldn't help it. I stared out the window thinking. Just when I thought I found a home, that's it. We're moving to california away from everyone

Will was sitting in the middle seat, Jonathan on his right and I was at Will's right side.

Suddenly someone tapped my arm. It was will who was next to me. His eyes were red and puffy as well. He was crying just like I was. "Wanna hear music with me?" he asked pointing at his Walkman with earphones.

I thought for a second. Sure I was close with the boys in the group but not so much with will, like just the two of us. We don't hate each other or anything but we simply just didn't talk much

Of course he thanked me for saving him when we first met. I gave him a smile and nodded. Maybe california won't be that bad if I manage to hang out with will more. I hope we bond with each other since we're technically step sibling now that Joyce and hopper are together

He smiled, we shared the earphones. I rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't argue, I then fell asleep.

Joyce's look

I looked at the mirror and saw something very cute, El's head resting on Will's shoulder as they both had their eyes closed sharing the earphones listening to music through the Walkman.

"hop" I said. "hm?" he asked. "look at them" I said smiling but quietly. He looked at the mirror and smiled.

El's pov

We then arrived at the airport. I was a bit nervous because it was my first time on a plane. "hey el, are you okay?" Jonathan asked. I nodded. "You sure? Are you nervous" he asked. "A little bit yeah, I've never been on a plane" I admitted

"It's okay, nothing bad is gonna happen, here you can hold my hand if you're scared" he said with a smile. I smiled. "thank you" I said.

We then got in the plance. We found 3 seats, hopper and Joyce were behind us. I took Jonathan's hand once I felt nervous. Jonathan is a nice person and the best brother to will

I hope we'll be in good terms with Jonathan as well. I was glad they weren't like mad that hopper and Joyce got together, he jealous or anything. They accepted me so I'm happy about that. They made me feel welcome

Of course they were mad and upset that we left Hawkins, Jonathan had to leave Nancy, will and I our friend group.

*meanwhile, in Hawkins*

Third person's pov

The boys decided to hang out together, they were still quite upset that their friends moved to california.

Mike's pov

The went to Mike's house to stay for a sleepover as well. "what should we do?" Dustin asked not very excitedly. He's always excited. To be for real, none of us had energy. I really miss both of them el and will

The friend group is not the same without them. "I don't know, dnd?" lucas asked. "It's not the same without will.." I said. "How do you know Mike? You spent half the time with el?" Dustin asked.

I frowned. "what do you mean? I'm not?" I said. "Yeah you do" lucas agreed. I scoffed not knowing what to say.

"Whatever man" I said. We then decided to watch a movie instead to get our minds off will and el and how much we'll miss them.

El's pov

After hours we arrived to california and our new house. "You and will are going to share a room if that's okay?" Joyce told us once we got in. Will and I looked at each other. "I don't mind" will said. "me either" I said. Both hopper and Joyce smiled.

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