chapter 62: Will knows

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El's pov

We walked back to mike's house since it was getting late. Mrs. Wheler was the one who opened the door for us. Max and i went to the kitchen to let the adults know that we came back

"Oh thank god you came back before it got dark" joyce said as we nodded. "where did you go?" hopper asked as if we already hadn't told him but alright. "to the park" i replied. He nodded

We then went to the basement where the boys were at. "you guys are still playing dnd?!" max asked surprised and so was i. We've gone for an hour and a half. "well yeah? It's literally the best game and come on we hadn't played for a while" Will said

"yeah makes sense but aren't you bored" max asked. "nope" the four boys said in sync. Max and i looked at each other and shrugged. Lucas,dustin and mike were too busy arguing about something in the game as i noticed will looking at us

Both max and i frowned at him as he smirked,stood up and walked towards us. "nice lipgloss max, i didn't notice you having lipgloss on before you went for a walk" will said quietly smirking at us clearly teasing us. It took us a second then we both realized, looked at each other and blushed

Seems like he noticed max and i kissed. "stop will" i said as he giggled. Max looked away trying to hide her red face,i was blushing as well. "you'll tell me everything later-" will whispered to me but mike's voice cut him off

"will! come on we have to continue the game"mike said. "alright,i'm coming" will said. He smiled to me this time, he seemed happy for me but at the same time he liked to tease us.

"so he knows you.." max said quietly. "like me?" she whispered the last part. I nodded slightly smiling as she smiled back. "apparently he knows we.." max said giggling as she pointed to our  lips as i laughed and blushed

"Come on guys, can we do something?" max suddenly yelled at the boys since we were across the room. "its the last game!" Dustin yelled back. Max sighed and offered me her hand. I looked at it,smiled and grabbed it as she guided me to the couch and we sat down,our hands still intertwined

Max's pov

I looked at my watch, its was 6 pm. My curfew was at 7 pm. Fortunately i had some more time to spend with my friends. Mike insisted i stay more but i told him i cant. Neil is too strict when it comes to my curfew. We all know what he'll do

Bad thoughts ran through my mind as i thought of him, hitting me etc. I really hope dustin won't tell anyome. I mean, he's begged me to at least tell el what's going on in my house since hopper is a chief but i can't risk it,not yet at least.

"max?" i heard el's soft voice cutting off my painful thoughts. I looked at her. "yeah?" i asked acting casual. She looked at me worriedly and stared at my eyes as if she's studying them.

"are you okay?" she asked. "yeah,why wouldn't i be?" i said. "you..zoned out and seemed scared" el said sadly. "everything is okay el" i said smiling hoping to be convincing but she stared at me, she always knows when i'm not okay and i don't like it but at the same time it melts my heart how she notices every little thing about me

"did anything? Did something happen at home?-" she asked. "no el, you haven't done anything,i promise" i said smiling rubbing my thumb on her hand. She smiled. I could tell she still wasn't convinced but she didn't want to pressure me

I really wanted to tell her everything because i know she will understand but i don't want to worry her. She will certainly be mad at me for not telling her what's going on in my house but i don't have a choice either way

"so there's this cool movie coming out this week! If you want to go with me?" i said changing the subject before i burst into tears or outing myself

"yeah sure" she said smiling at me. After about 5 minutes the boys finally finished their game and joined us on the couches. We started playing the board game i brought until it was time for me to to home

I hugged everyone, el slightly a bit longer but hopefully the boys think we're just best friends. it's too soon to tell them about us,we just confessed to each other today so why would they know so early

Plus we're scared for their reactions and i don't want to pressure el into telling them,whenever we're ready. My mom was the one who picked me up

"so did you have fun?" my mom asked when i got into the car. My first thought was when el and i kissed and smiled to myself. My mom looked at me and giggled. "i'll take it as a yes" she said as i laughed too

"Yeah it's been a while since we last saw them so we were all really happy to see them again"i said. "that's great! What were their names again" my mom asked. "will and el" i said as she nodded

"You've been gone for almost the entire day,what were you guys doing for so many hours" she jokingly said. "well we chatted for a while, talking about california,about here since we just reunited,played board games etc,when you spend time with friends time passes so fast" i said

"yeah i agree,i was like when i was a teenager too,we would ride our bikes, sat down near the lake and just chatted for hours,laughing etc-" my mom excitedly said. She really likes talking about her past and i like to see her happy

I can tell she genuinely misses those times comparing to her life right now..with neil etc. I really want to get rid of him because no matter how mad i am at my mom for not telling the police about him,i understand the reason behind it. It's for my safety but i would rather risk myself dying (neil killing me which was his threat) but i don't want to live like this forever


El's pov

After about a few minutes hopper yelled at us from upstairs to come. "alright i think its time for us to go, its been many hours we all need some rest and thank you for having us-" hopper said turning to the wheelers

"it was our pleasure, we really enjoyed you here and i'm sure our kids had fun,it's been a long time since they last saw each other so it was worth it,you're welcome at any time" mrs. wheeler said

I smiled when i thought of me kissing max. Of course i had fun. I hadn't felt this happy for a long time. I was back in Hawkins with my friends and...max so i couldn't be happier

*after at home*

We went back to joyce's house. We already packed all of our stuff before going to the wheelers. Will and i would share his room until we get a new house since the family is bigger now

Will and i changed into our pyjamas and jumped on my bed dramatically and layed down (we had 2 beds obviously) as will did the same on his bed

"sooo"he said after a few seconds of silence. I immediately blushed knowing where this was going and by the tone of his voice. "soo?" i said acting dumb. "don't act dumb el,you know exactly what i mean" he said giggling as i did the same

He sighed. "okay since you're not speaking im going straight to the point" he said getting up and sitting on his bed looking at me as i did the same and sat up

"Did you kiss?" he asked as my eyes widened. "shh don't talk so loud" i said. "sorry-they're in the kitchen anyways" he said. "yeah we kissed" i said looking down smiling slightly as i blushed

He excitedly jumped and hugged me,i gasped not expecting this reaction. "yes! i told you it would happen" he said as i giggled. "yeah" i said agreeing.

"alright now tell me everything" he said smiling pulling away from the hug. "well...i confessed first but the moment i told her that i know she doesn't feel the same she..." i started

He smiled at me waiting for me to continue. "she kissed me" i said excitedly as he smiled widely. I loved how supportive he is. "I'm so happy for you oh my god!!" he said excitedly. Then i told him everything

" have to tell me about mike" i said smirking after a few minutes of me yapping about max and everything that happened.He blushed hard

1534 words. To be continued!!
hii how are you guys?

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