Chapter 28: Picnic Part 2

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Max's pov

"alright let's eat" Dustin said as he passed us all the snacks etc. "alright as we eat, what should we do?" Dustin asked. We could barely hear him because his mouth was full of chips

"I brought uno!" lucas said excitedly. We all smiles and agreed to play uno. I had also put on some music after arguing with Dustin because he kept saying that my music taste sucks but I didn't care

After a few minutes of playing el opened a chocolate. Her face fell noticing that the chocolate had slightly melted. The look on her face was kind of sad yet adorable. She just stared at the chocolate disappointed

"what is it?" I asked giggling at her cute face. She looked at me. "it melted" she said. "I could give these candy I brought" I offered. "no it's okay, I'll eat it" she said as I nodded

She started eating it but after a little I noticed that chocolate was on the corner of her mouth but she didn't notice. "max is your turn" lucas said. I stopped staring at her lip and looked at them feeling guilty for some reason

I threw a random card not really pay attention. "Max that's blue" Dustin said. I was supposed to put  a red card but I accidentally put a blue one. "Damn max must be in love or something she never does anything wrong in uno" Dustin joked (a/n: so random but my mom said something like this recently💀)

"so funny Dustin I just zoned out for a second" I rolled my eyes even though I felt nervous inside. We then continued playing

I couldn't help it anymore. "el, you've got some chocolate" I said slightly laughing pointing at her face. Her eyes widened slightly making me giggle more

"where?" she said frowning, touching her face literally anywhere except where it actually is. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by touching her

"Just-on the corner of your mouth" I said giggling. She touched the other corner of her mouth. I feel like she played ding but I found it funny and cute. I gave up and just grabbed a tissue and wiped it off for her

I noticed her face slightly red. "Here" I said after leaning back. "thanks" she said quietly. I looked over at the boys feeling glad that no one has seen us and it wasn't our turn yet but no, will was looking at us. Same with Mike

I frowned. They both looked away immediately. Weird, I thought. After a while we got bored of playing uno so we wanted to do something else instead

"we should play truth or dare!" Dustin suggested. I felt a bit nervous because that game is kind of stressing me out. "sure!" lucas said. Will, Mike, El And I didn't say anything. I think all of us kind of looks stressed but why would we?

"alright who's going first?" Dustin asked. "why do we always have to play that?" I asked. "because it's fun?"Dustin said looking at me like I'm crazy. "alright then" I sighed.

"Okay since no one is telling me who's going first i will" Dustin said. He slimmed the bottle. It landed on el. "truth or dare?" Dustin asked her smiling. El thought for a second. "truth" she said

"hmm" Dustin said looking away. "what's your favourite memory from california?" Dustin asked. The thought of california always hurt me, knowing that in 3 days she'll be gone. I miss california but the thought of el going there again and leaving us was so painful to me

El looked up thinking. "um.. I don't know, probably once when will, chloe and Austin went to karaoke" el said. It kind of hurt me whenever she mentioned chloe and Austin but at the same time I was happy she's got company there

I totally don't want her to be all alone. She doesn't deserve to he alone. It's not like she's mine or anything I don't know why I'm feeling like this. She's just my best friend

I was so happy she called me her best friend in such little time we've been together. I brushed those thoughts away and payed attention

El spam the bottle and it landed on Mike this time. "truth or dare?" el asked him. I could feel the weird awkward tension since they broke up. "truth" Mike replied

"um... What's your favourite sport?" el asked. I could tell she didn't know what to ask so she asked something random. "uhh I don't do sports" Mike said

"just say what your favourite sport is, she didn't ask if or what your sport is" lucas said. "alright jeez.. Uhh my favourite sport is basketball" Mike said. We nodded as Mike span the bottle

It landed on me. Again?, I thought. "truth or dare?" he asked. "truth" I said. "oh come on don't be lame choose dare for once" Dustin said. "okay fine, dare" I sighed. "hmm" Mike said. I was nervous because I knew he would tell me something weird

"I dare you to do 20 push ups" Mike said. I rolled my eyes. "seriously? It's hot and I'm tired" I said. "does it look like I care?" he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and started doing push ups fighting for my life

After I finished I sat back down dramatically. "it wasn't that bad was it?" Mike asked laughing and so did the others too. "so funny" I said sarcastically.

I span the bottle and it landed on will. "truth or dare?" I said slightly disappointed that it didn't land on mike so I could get revenge. "truth" he said. "what do you love more, dnd or drawing" I asked a kind of hard question for him but I didn't want to ask anything else that might make him feel awkward or stressed out

He gasped as the others laughed. "seriously?" he asked jokingly. I nodded giggling. "fine" he sighed. "dnd" he answered. Then it landed on Dustin

Dustin picked dare. "I dare you to over that person there and tell him the most random thing in mind" will dared him laughing as we laughed as well. "Are you kidding me" he said quietly standing up and walked over to him

We watched. He then came back. "what did you tell him?" lucas asked. "I told him that he stinks" he said as we gasped. "what?!" Mike said loudly. "you said to tell him whatever came into my mind! I honestly had no clue" Dustin said defensively.

"oh god I feel bad for him now" will said. Next up, it landed on lucas. "Truth or dare?" Dustin asked him. "dare" lucas said proudly. "I dare you to kiss Max's cheek" dustin said smirking

My face dropped. Luca's face turned red. "uh-" lucas stuttered. "just do it don't be scared" Dustin said rolling his eyes. Lucas walked over to me and pecked my cheek. I felt weirded out for some reason

El's pov

I felt jealousy all over my body and pain in my heart. This weird feeling came again when lucas kissed Max's cheek

1197 words. To be continued!

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