Chapter 22: Elmax& Mike

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Third person's pov

After the argument and Will's breakdown, will and Jonathan decided to go to hang out at a cafe

Will didn't want the others see him like that because he was clearly still upset no matter how hard he would try to hide his feelings

And Jonathan always found ways to make will happy, smile and light up his mood in seconds even after their argument.

*time skip*

Mike was really upset about the argument he had with will. He was being such a jerk and will didn't deserve it. But Mike couldn't help it

He got so mad at himself for having feelings for his best friend will but he made the wrong choices

Not only he had cheated to her when he could have at least have a talk with her, he ignored will as well after even though it wasn't his fault. He tried to hide his feelings by blaming will

Mike ran to his room as soon a she got in. Karen noticed as soon as it happened because mike didn't even say a hello when he walked into the house so she walked upstairs to his room and knocked on the door

"Mike? Are you okay honey?" Karen asked. There was no response. "Mike?" she knocked again. She got worried once she had tried twice to knock on the door thinking her son is not okay

So she tried to open the door but surprisingly the door was locked. Mike however was laying on his bed crying silently regretting

"Mike? Why is the door locked?!" Karen said. Mike didn't respond making his mom more worried. She had no other choice but to open the door with her hair pin

She froze seeing her son laying in bed, head on pillow. She quickly sat down next to him as she shook him. "mike?are you okay?" she asked worriedly

Mike nodded,his face still buried on pillow. Karen sighed relieved that he wasn't dead because of how many kinds he's ingored her

"what happened?" she asked. Mine wasn't responding. "Mike sweetheart, what happened? You can talk to me" Karen said softly rubbing his back.

"nothing" Mike replied. After a few seconds of silence, Karen pulled Mike into a hug

Mike hugged back after a second. "What's wrong?" Karen asked. Mine didn't say anything. "Okay.. I won't force you to tell me but just.. I want to be here for you, I want you to know that you can trust me" Karen softly said

Mike pulled way. He nodded. "I'm okay" he said. Karen got the hint that he doesn't want to talk about it and smiled sadly. "alright.. If you want or you're ready to tell me don't hesitate" Karen said

Mike smiled slightly. "thanks mom" he said. Karen kissed his forehead and then left the room.


Max's pov

I woke up to see el cuddling me. It took me a second to process. Once I realised I blushed. I've never slept so...peaceful

I've never felt so safe. I sometimes have nightmares about Neil, Billy etc. Tonight I didn't. I felt safe in this house.. more like in El's arms. How can someone bring me so much comfort when we just met

It feels like I've known her for longer. She's the best.. friend I could ever ask for. Her head was resting on my chest, her hair slightly messy but i found it adorable, her mouth slightly open as she had her arms wrapped around my weist

And my arms were around her spooning her protectively even though I felt like I was being protected. I really didn't want to wake her up

She looked so cute, peacefully and like an angel sleeping. I decided to try and sleep for longer. After about 10 minutes of trying to get back to sleep I failed

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