Chapter 59: The Gifts

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El's pov

"alright! How about.. We play dnd?" Mike smirked after we finished our conversation. Will had a big smile, so did the others.

They all nodded and stood up to go sit at their usual spot where they play dnd. They do i ask us if we want to play even though deep down they don't want us to because we suck at that game

Plus we ourselves don't like it so why bother. So, el and I were still sitting on the couch. Suddenly, will spoke. "guys, me and el will go get some water, we'll be back" he told as the others nodded

I frowned confused but he gave me a look so I didn't question it and just followed him upstairs

I was walking towards the kitchen but will grabbed me by my arm. "we're not here for the water, I mean kind of but anyways-" he said giggling

"um.. I figured something because it was so random that you suddenly wanted to get water, with me especially when you could have gone by yourself" I said giggling

"well.. I just wanted to tell you.." he said as he approached closer to me as if he was gonna tell me a secret or something. I went along and went closer too

"now that you two are alone, you should talk" he said smirking. I sighed at his smirking. "we are talking though?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"yeah but I can't tell the tension, you're still feeling nervous next to each other.. You know what that means" he said looking at me as if he was waiting for me to catch up

He sighed. "come on el, don't play dumb" he said. "she likes you-" he said. I was ready so speak but he raised his hand slightly to shush me. "and don't deny it, it's obvious you just don't want to admit it" he said

I looked down blushing at the thought of max liking me back. "but-" I tried to find excuses because I don't want to have fake hopes. "no buts el, did you forget the fact that you almost kissed?" he said

Realisation hit me. "Oh no, we told each other we would talk about it when we see each other in person, will what am I gonna do?" I said slightly nervous.

"exactly! You finally have the opportunity to confess to each other!" he said excitedly. "what if she says it was a mistake? That she didn't mean to-" I said quickly

"why are you overthinking this? Trust me, she did mean to lean in" he insisted. I hesitately nodded. "alright, now just go and talk, I think you should talk about the thing when you're alone" he said

"yeah, you're right" I said. "great, now let's go" he said smiling. I should tell her to talk about it when we have a sleepover. I can't invite her for a sleepover since it's our first day back in Hawkins, not that I would mind

We then went downstairs to the basement. "what took you so long?" Mike asked. "Sorry, my mom wanted us to help with something" will lied. The boys nodded

I then went and sat back down on the couch next to max. She smiled at me, her smile gave me butterflies in my stomach. I smiled back as I blushed slightly. "soo what do you want to do?" she asked. I shrugged

"I don't mind" I said. I just wanna kiss you, I thought. No el what are you thinking? Jeez sorry

Max's pov

I suddenly realised we forgot to give the gifts to will and el. We were so busy chatting about random things before we forgot about the gifts.

I gasped. "what is it?" el asked confused. "lucas Mike, Dustin we forgot the gifts!" I told them a bit louder since they were a bit far from us. The 3 boys looked at each other in surprise

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