Chapter 17: Mike Part 3

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Max's pov

I didn't know what to say when el asked that. "oh um, yeah they can, boys can kiss-yeah" I stuttered. "oh okay" she said confused

"but.. I heard that it's wrong" she said confused. I swallowed before speaking. "that's what people say, but... It's not wrong" I said. They're always calling me a Dyke.But I'm not gay..

"oh.. Okay" she said.

Just because i get a little nervous around my new girl-friend it doesn't mean I'm gay... right?

Stop it max, you're not gay

My thoughts were cut off when el waved her hand in front of my face as she frowned. "Are you okay?" she asked confused

"oh um yeah" I said.

Suddenly the bell rang. "do you think it's them?" el asked. She has started to calm down but I could tell she was starting to get upset

"You want me to go get it?" I asked. "Yeah if you can.." she said quietly. "if its them, do I let them in?" I asked, not knowing if she wanted to talk to them.

The logic is probably not because she just witnessed her boyfriend cheating on her but I still asked. "no, I don't want to talk to them" she said. I nodded and got out of the room

Joyce was at the door before me. "Can we come in-" I heard Mike's annoying voice as I approached the door. Joyce then left leaving us. "Max can we come in-" Mike said. "she doesn't want to talk to you" I said cutting him off getting straight to the point

"come on, I just want to explain-" he said. "explain what Mike? I get it, you can't control your feelings towards will but you didn't have to fucking cheat on her, what you did was messed up" I said.

"what did i do? I didn't mean to-" Mike stuttered. "'what did I do'?" I mocked his words in disbelief

He frowned. "Mike, you've been ignoring her in california, not calling her or writing to her and when you finally told her that you love her you do this?" I said angrily trying to remain calm

"you could have talk to her about your feelings towards will she would understand she has a good heart" I said

"I know she does max, I'm not stupid" he said annoyed. Well you kinda are Mike..

"it's not that simple" he said. "I know that Mike, you still hurt her" I said. He sighed. "Can-I at least talk to her?" will asked. He looked scared, embarrassed upset? So many emotions

I felt bad for him. I don't know if he kissed back but yeah. "I-I don't know, she told me she doesn't want to talk" I said.

"come on max, do a good thing for once and let us in, we won't kill her" Mike complained. I felt a pinch in my heart to be honest but tried to act like I didn't care

"what the hell does that mean Michael" I asked trying to stay calm. This boy always gets on my nerves. "I didn't mean it like that, I just want to talk to my girlfriend" he said

"whatever I expected this answer from you anyways so I don't care also I'm pretty sure it's an ex girlfriend now, depends on what el wants but okay" I said

They sighed. "she'll talk to you when she's ready, okay?" I said calmer this time. They nodded hesitately

I closed the door and went back to El's room. Once I walked in I noticed el staring at he floor, clearly zoned out. "hey" I said quietly in order not to scare her

"hey, are they gone?" she asked quietly. I nodded. "they um.. Insisted but I told them you wound talk to them when you're ready, if it's okay, I can fall them if you want-" I said.

"no, you did what I asked for max, thank you" she said smiling slightly. I smiled back. "of course" I said. "do you um, maybe want to stay for a sleepover?" she shyly asked.

"Yeah sure I would love to, I'm going to ask my mom" I said. "yeah of course" she said slightly giggling. Even her laugh was cute.. max stop you're not gay

I went to the phone and dialed my mom's number. I was afraid of Neil so I prayed that my mom would be the one answering the phone. "hello?" I heard my mom's voice thanking God as I sighed relieved

"hey mom, it's max" I said. "oh hey max, what is it honey?" she asked. "Is it okay if I stay over at El's tonight?" I asked, there was silence making me worried.

"Yeah sure honey, I'll make sure Neil doesn't bother you" she said. "okay, thank you" I said. We then hung up. I looked over at el

"she said yes right?" she asked smiling. I nodded smiling. She smiled even more making my heart melt and butterflies in my stomach

"thank god, I don't know what I would do without you max" she said making me blush. She opened her arms in order for me to go hug her, I smiled and walked over to her

I pulled her into a hut as I sat beside her. "thank you.. I'm so happy to have you as my best friend" I heard her say. The word friend hurt for some reason but I ingored it

"so am I" I said. "I may have known you for like a week but I'm really glad we met" she said smiling. "me too" I said smiling. "

940 words. To be continued!
Hii, okay so as I was writing this i went to save it in my drafts, it was unfinished but I accidentally pressed publish, i panicked and then immediately deleted it so it's gone. I wrote it again, Idk if I wrote everything I've thought of before but alright😔I'm so smart as you can see😍

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