Chapter 13: Elmax

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Third person's pov

"so how's california?" Mike asked will and el. El and will looked at each other. "It's good" they said. "Are you sure? You guys seem off" Dustin asked frowning

"We met 2 people" will answered  not wanting to mention that people make fun of them sometimes

"Ooo what are their names?" Dustin asked excitedly, not being jealous that they made new friends. The opposite, they were happy for them.

"Austin and chloe" will said. (a/n: I messed up the name on chapter 10 I think, idk if you noticed but I fixed it, sorry💀)

They all smiled. "Are they nice?" lucas asked. "what kind of question is that lucas, of course they're nice. Will and el wouldn't hang out with mean people or whatever" Mike said

"Chill, I was just asking, you never know" lucas said. "i missed your arguing" will giggled. Lucas and Mike frowned but then smiled. "how so? You always get annoyed when we argue" Mike said

"I don't know" will shrugged. Mike noticed that el had been a little distanced once she came back. Clearly she was a bit upset about the fact that Mike barely wrote to her or called her

Mike didn't really know what to do. He tried by puttimg his arms around el who was sitting next to him. El slightly smiled,so did Mike. Will took a glance at them and felt jealous but tried to hide it by randomly asking Dustin something

Max felt something as well but she didn't know what it was, it was strange, she thought. After about 10 minutes of just the boys exchanging news that have happened in Hawkins and same with california. The two teenagers still wouldn't tell them that people were making fun of them at times.

Then they decided to play dnd just like old times. Will got very excited. "wait you guys actually want to play dnd?" will asked. "yeah?" the boys said confused. "oh okay, that's great" will said smiling as the others smiled back

El's pov

The boys stood up to play dnd, they asked if we wanted to join. We didn't want to because I don't even know how to play plus the constant screaming kind of annoys me so I prefer to sit on the couch reading a magazine or something, but this time I wouldn't be alone

Third person's pov

That's what made me nervous. I would have to talk to max. "so you prefer Hawkins or california?" max asked after 2 minutes of awkward silence

It was a random question but max had no idea what to ask. "Oh Hawkins, because all of my friends are here" el replied. "as a place?" max asked

"I mean of course california is more sunny so it's fun" el said. Max nodded. Both of the girls hearts were pacing for some reason.

"That's nice, I used to live in california as you know" max said. "Why did you move here?"el asked. "my mom married a man and we just moved here I guess" max said as bad memories ran through her mind

El noticed. "is everything alright?" el asked. Max finally made eye contact with her and frowned. "yeah, why wouldn't it be" max asked playing cool.

El didn't say anything. Max was surprised the girl even spoke to her. She thought she hates her. "I have a really weird question" el suddenly said after a few minutes of silence

The two girls were nervous to speak to each other, they couldn't understand why. El was most of the times nervous and shy around people but it felt different this time

"go ahead" max said confused. "do you know if ever spoke to any girls here?" el asked. Max frowned. "No, he isn't" max said with a smile. "do you... Like each other?" el hesitately asked

Max's eyes widened. "what?! No, Mike and I barely get along" max said laughed making el laugh slightly too. Max loved El's laugh

"Oh okay.. Sorry it was a really strange question-" el said starting to feel guilty by making that question, hoping she didn't make max feel uncomfortable

"it's alright, he's your... boyfriend I understand why you're asking" max said with a smile to reassure her but deep down she felt jealous

There was no way max liked Mike, max thought. Why would she? She doesn't like him much. She was very confused towards her feelings

"oh okay thanks, you seem like a nice girl max" el said smiling. Max felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt her face turning red

"You seem like a nice girl too eleven" max said. Max wasn't sure if she could call el 'el' instead of 'eleven'. El looked away for a second.

"wanna play.. Cards or anything" max asked. She knew Mike had cards. "sure" el said smiling as max returned the smile. "Come on!!" they heard the boys yelling as Dustin slammed his hand on the table out of excitement but loudly causing the two girls slightly jumped not expecting it.

El was passing the cards as she slightly jumped and flinched by the loud sound as some cards fell off her hands. El doesn't like loud sounds, it reminds her of the lab where so many stuff happened there

Same with max, because Neil were constantly yelling or slamming the doors but tried to hide it. "you okay?" max asked el as el stared at the cards on the floor feeling ashamed of how she flinched by the slightest thing

It was just a sound, El thought embarrassed. "Oh um yeah sorry-" el quickly said bending down to get the cards from the floor. Max immediately stood up to help her

The two girls both blushed when their hands touched as they went to pick up the same card. They locked eyes for a few seconds but looking away quickly realising what happened. Then they started playing cards.

*time skip*

After the boys finished playing it was time for the Byers to go home. It was 6pm, hopper and Joyce were upstairs talking to Karen and ted

Jonathan was at Nancy's room. Jonathan walked down the basement to call them

"will, El we gotta go" Jonathan said, hopper and Joyce told him to call the kids. "what?! Already?" Mike said. "It's been many hours Mike, they went to take some rest" Karen said

They all looked at each other sadly. "You guys can come over tomorrow if you want" will said. "yeah sure we would love to" the boys said smiling.

El was about to ask if max would come too but lucas asked before her. "what about you max?" lucas asked. "oh um I'll ask" max said.

They nodded. The boys hugged each other before leaving. As el was talking upstairs Mike grabbed her hand. Will stopped walking confused on why his step sister is no longer following him

"can we talk?" Mike asked. El told will to go upstairs and that she would be there in a minute. "What is it?" el asked. "you've been a little distant today. Are you mad at me?" Mike asked. He's wanted to avoid this but he had no choice, it would be worse if he didn't speak

"I'm not I'm just confused" el quietly asked. "what?! Why are you confused" Mike asked. "Why didn't you write to me?" el quietly asked. Mike looked down

"I did write to you" Mike said. El sighed. "Mike, maybe like once or 3 times at least" el said. "I-I just didn't want to bother you-" Mike stuttered

"why would you bother me? I thought we were together, do you not like me anymore" el asked. "what?! I do it's just-" Mike stuttered again

"okay whatever Mike, we'll talk another time, they're waiting for me upstairs" el said, she was mad. Mike of course noticed

Mike just stood there not knowing what to do. El was mad at him but she at least expected him to kiss or at least hug but that was not the case. He didn't do anything

El walked upstairs to the others. Max and the others already left. Mike was now alone in the basement.

1374 words. To be continued!

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