Chapter 21: Byler Fight

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*the next morning*

Will's pov

I woke up seeing the two girls cuddling, I thought it was really cute but odd. I've always felt something about max being gay but I never asked

I got out of bed trying my best not to wake them up and it was successful. I went downstairs, Joyce and hopper were probably at work. It was only Jonathan in the kitchen drinking coffee in silence

I yawned. "morning" I said. He jumped a little. "jeez you scared me" he said. I frowned. "sorry" I apologised. "it's fine, good morning to you too" he said

I walked over to the counter to grab the cereal. "hey can you pass me the milk please?" I asked Jonathan since the fridge was right behind where he was sitting

"sure" he said tiredly. He accidentally grabbed ketchup instead of milk. I frowned. He realised after a second, sighed and grabbed the milk

"What the hell?" I asked confused, dumbfounded yet worried. "what? It's just an accident" he said passing me the milk

"what's up with you lately?!" I asked him. "just because I accidentally took ketchup instead of milk it doesn't mean I'm not okay" he said getting offended for some reason

"No I'm not only referring to that-i mean in general, you're literally high sometimes, argyle is a bad influence on you, are you okay?" I asked

"Will,I already told you I'm alright plus it's not a big deal I'm not a kid" Jonathan said. "Yeah sure you're totally okay" I said sarcastically and ironically

"did anything happen?" I asked. I've asked him about it but he got mad pretty quickly so he dropped the subject

"Nothing" he said. "that's what you're saying all the time, I thought we told each other everything we're brothers" I said getting annoyed.

He let out a sarcastic laugh. I frowned at that reaction. "what? You're talking about us" sharing"secrets cause we're brothers?" Jonathan scoffed. "what do you mean by that?" I asked

"obviously we're not being so honest as we used to be, you're definitely hiding something from me.. Maybe the fact that you're in love with Mike??" Jonathan said

That was not Jonathan.. He was high again.. But it still hurts. Jonathan wouldn't normally said that. My face fell as I felt pain in my heart. "what?" I whispered. "isn't it true?" he asked.

"i-" I stuttered. "whatever Jonathan I'm not saying anything more you're clearly high and not thinking properly, I'm done" I said mad and walked away not even bothering to make cereal,well I forgot too to be honest

As I was about to walk to my room someone rang the bell. I rolled my eyes because I didn't want to see anyone at that moment because I was mad and upset

But I did it anyways. I opened the door to see Mike. Seriously? Right now?, I thought

We both stared at each other for a few seconds. "uh, can I talk to el?" he asked. "what happened to hello?" I said ironically. He frowned. "woah chill out
will sorry but I just need to talk to her" he said.

"well she's sleeping right now" I said about to close the door but he put his hand stopping me. "mike I said go" I said getting annoyed.

He frowned. "what's with the attitude dude?!" he asked. "You're asking me what's with my attitude? Have you seen yourself Mike? Why did you do that? Plus you're being rude and ignoring me so I don't want to talk plus you've hurt my sister's feelings no matter what I-" I said but trailed off

"what do you mean-" he asked. "nothing just go" I said as I blushed in embarrassment. "you know what?" he said angrily. "I'm pretty sure you almost kissed me back so don't talk about hurting your sister's feelings plus she's not even your real sister so I don't think you care much" he said

My heart stopped. I was in shock. That's not Mike. Why is he acting like that?. "what the fuck Mike?! Don't get mad at me for something you did, and also  El is like my real sister, like it or not and I care about her a lot so fuck off" I said angrily.

I slammed the door. Jonathan was suddenly next to me. I didn't turn around but I could sense this presence. "What do you want?" I asked. "will-" he tried. "leave me alone" I said walking to the bathroom since the two girls were in the bedroom

"I didn't mean what I said-" he said following me. Seems like he's more himself at that moment but I was still mad about it and just wanted to be alone

"yeah sure" I said holding back tears. I locked the door behind me and leaned my head against the door as I slid down on the floor. I couldn't help but cry quietly

What did i so to deserve this? Why was Mike being a jerk, why was Jonathan being a jerk when he's never acted like that? Jonathan is literally my #1 supporter since I was a kid

He's never left my side, he was protecting me, distracting me whenever our parents were fighting etc but now it changed

I felt guilty about what happened, when Mike kissed me, I felt guilty that i wanted to kiss back but I knew I couldn't. I feel like I've hurt El's feelings even though she's told me it's not my fault

Jonathan kept knocking on the door. "What is it that you don't understand? Leave me alone" I said. "please just let me in" he pleaded. I sighed and unlocked the door knowing he'll never give up

He sat down next to me. "I'm really sorry" he said looking at me sadly but I didn't dare to look at him. "It's just-I've been having problems with Nancy and everything, and more-I'm sorry i didn't mean to say all those things" he said

"Smoking weed isn't a solution" I said acting like a parent. "I know.." he quietly said. He pulled me into a hug. At first I didn't hug back but then I did as I couldn't help but cry

1047 words. To be continued!
Bro my crush told me she isn't straight but there's no way I'm confessing😍No one asked ik, anyways what's up??

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