Chapter 41: Back To School (Hawkins)

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El's pov

"She sounds cool not gonna lie" chloe said as we were talking about her. "yeah.. She is" I said smiling slightly as chloe smiled back

"So she likes going to the arcade, playing video games and skates? Damn that's cool. Usually boys do that but that's crap" chloe said. I nodded in agreement.

I was glad chloe had the same opinion and did not judge her like others do. "Yeah, people kind of make fun of her for that though.." I said as I sighed

"oh.. Ugh that's ridiculous I hate hearing things like these" chloe said. "But max doesn't listen to them, I'm glad she's herself no matter what others think" I said

"Are you writing to her?" she asked. "well..not yet, I mean we just got here" I said as she nodded. "but I definitely will" I said. She smiled.

"Wait what does she look like? I think I might know her, someone I know is from california too" chloe said. I frowned. To be honest, all this time I never described her by her looks

Her personality, how nice she is, her interests etc. I sort didn't want to sound like a creep since she didn't ask.

I mean what do you do if someone asks you 'tell me about her' you don't immediately describe her looks. Actually I have no idea I better shut up

Chloe's pov

Fact is no one I know is from california I just wanted to test her if that makes sense. I wanted to see how she would describe her because I can kind of tell she likes her

Just by describing her as a person I could see how her mood changed by talking about max, how she smiled. I don't know maybe I'm wrong

But i was just curious. "Oh um.. She has red hair-" she started. I gasped. She frowned. "oh my god, that's so cool, I've always wanted to have ginger hair!" i said  excitedly

And it was true. I've got brown hair with green eyes in case you want to know (a/n: idk if I described chloe before but alright💀)

"Yeah, her hair is amazing!" she said smiling. "I don't know many gingers but I admire them" I admitted. She nodded. "sorry continue" I said

"Well uhh what else, kind of long wavy hair, ocean blue eyes, they're really pretty" she said kind of smiling

"I-I mean compared to mine which are brown-" she suddenly got nervous. "hey, it's alright I get what you mean, I like blue eyes too" I said smiling trying to make her calm down (a/n: I love people who have brown eyes✨even tho i got gray/blue eyes, no one asked but it's fine)

"hey, before you continue. I want you to know that you're free to describe her as much as you want I won't judge" I said. She nodded smiling slightly nervous

"she has a nice smile, cute laugh-I mean we always laugh together at stupid things sometimes" she slightly chuckled

That was a good save.. Okay I'm kind of sure now that she likes her but I'll still listen to her

"She's about my height just a bit taller than me" she said. "um I think that's all" she said. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to talk more

"Oh alright! I'm sure she's stunning!" I said smiling as she smiled back. "Even though now that you described her, I don't think I know her" I said. "oh okay" she said

It's okay if she's not comfortable enough with me to tell her her secrets if my suspicions are correct because I totally understand. I'm straight but I support

I actually have a friend that's gay but no one knows except me so u support. I wish I could tell el that I suppot but it's not right to ask. At least not yet

I'll try to wait a little until she's ready. Then the bell rang and we got to class

*meanwhile in Hawkins*

Max's pov

It was the first day back to school from spring break. I really wanted to kill myself. Especially that now el and will is gone

I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it would be if they were here with us. I met up in front of the school with the boys

I was kind of half asleep to be honest. "hey max" the three boys said smiling. "Hey" I said. "damn didn't you get any sleep?" Mike asked. "when did she" Dustin laughed

I nudged his shoulder. They always make fun of me because I'm always the one who's more sleepy in the mornings. The bell rang and we walked towards our class

As we were walking I felt someone dragging me by my bag. I turned around and it was troy and his friends. I rolled my eyes, not them again

"What's up Dyke" troy said laughing as his friends joined. I sighed. "Fuck yourself troy I don't care" I said. "oohh" his friends mocked as troy scoffed telling them to shut up

"Look at you.." he said laughing looking at me up and down. "Wearing oversized jeans with an oversized t-shirt" he mocked. "drop it troy, aren't you tired yet" Lucas said

"They're comfortable clothes so leave me alone" I said. I was looking at him annoyed. I didn't want him to think I was scared of him or something

"girls don't dress like that" he said pointing at girls who were walking by. Mort of them were wearing skirts with a tight crop top or t-shirt. "Why do you care so much what I'm wearing seriously get a life" I laughed slightly ironically

He glared at me. "what did you say to me?" he asked coming closer to me. I didn't back up. The fact that he thinks he's cool and tough makes me want to laugh

"The truth..?" I said calmy yet ironically again. I was so done with everything that I seriously couldn't handle troy too with his stupidness

He sighed angrily. He was about to hit me but Mike stopped him. As Troy's friends tried to push mine off of troy

"Hey calm down there's literally no reason to fight troy, it's the first day why are you making a scene for no reason" Dustin said

"I'm not gonna let her talk to me like that! She thinks she's some smart Dyke" he said. I scoffed and walked away casually. He tried to follow me but Mike held him back

"That's right pussy, walk away" I heard him laughing. I turned around and walked back there. Lucas was looking at me concerned knowing what I was thinking and Muttered no with mouth to me

"Even the way you talk and think you're like a boys makes you a Dyke" he continued. What's his problem? "can you just shut up already?" I said annoyed yet calmly

He laughed. "Or what? Are you gonna go cry to your girlfriend?" he said. I frowned confused. That was so unexpected. What is he talking about?

"huh?" I asked confused. "Well my friends and I were hanging out at the arcade and saw you with a brunette, your hand was on top of hers" he said laughing. At this point some people were around us to see what's going onc

My heart was slightly beating faster than usual but I hid it. "It's because I was showing her how to play you idiot" I said. "Yeah sure" he said. "Bro just let it go why do you care so much mind your business for once" Lucas said

Troy looked at him. "Who said I care about her ugly brunette Dyke girlfr-" he said but I cut him off by punching him. I just lost control just by calling her that

Everyone gasped. Troy's jaw dropped not expecting that as he glared at me. He walked over and slapped me as the boys immediately tried to make troy back off

Suddenly we heard footsteps running it was a teacher. Someone must have called him. "Troy! What are you doing! Why did you hit a girl!" the teacher angrily said.

"She hit me first!" troy said. "Enough go to the principal office and you'll talk there" he said

1391 words. To be continued!

Aaa all of my ideas from my notes are for later chapters I'm getting impatient🙄anyways, how are you guys?

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