Chapter 8: Lucas& Max

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Max's pov

After school ended lucas offered to go to the mall by bikes. But then i realised.. Billy. He's supposed to pick me up from school like usually

I saw him waiting in the car. Lucas frowned waiting for me to get on the bike. "Uh give me one second sorry" I told lucas as I approached Billy's car

"come on get your ass in the car" he said annoyed. "I-I'm gonna go to the mall with a friend you-can go home" I said kind of stuttering being scared of his reaction

He looked at me with a weird look. "With who?" he asked slowly. "Just a friend I've met" I said getting annoyed. "fine whatever, just be back at least at 5 otherwise my dad is gonna be mad" Billy said. I nodded and walked back to lucas

"is everything okay?" lucas asked. "yeah" I replied. Then we headed to the mall. I awkwardly put my arms on his shoulders for support so I don't fall

I don't know why he wanted to hang out just us two. The boys didn't know we would go to the mall. Lucas didn't tell them for some reason. I asked him if the others would come and he said that they can't

Maybe he didn't tell them at all but I don't know. We then arrived at the mall.

"so what should we do?" he asked smiling but he seemed a bit nervous. I shrugged. "Wanna go get ice cream?" he asked. "uh sure" I said

Fortunately my mom gave me money in case I need anything. "Oh hey sinclair!" I heard a tall guy with long hair saying, another girl next to him (Robin).

"hey Steve! Oh and Robin!" lucas said smiling as we approached them. "who's that sinclair?" Steve asked slightly smirking. "oh um this is max" lucas said

"Hey" I said. "is she your girlfriend-" Steve said . "uh-no" lucas stuttered. "We're just friends" I said a little too quickly than I meant to..

Making the other girl chock as she was drinking water and slightly laughed. "someone got rejectedd" she Muttered under her breath as Steve nudged her arm to stop laughing. . I never thought of this hangout as a date or something

The idea cringed me to be honest because I truly didn't like him in that way, I just met him so I don't know yet. "oh um okay.." Steve said awkwardly.

"Where are you from max?" Steve asked. "california" I said. He nodded. "well.. Welcome then!" he said. I sniped awkwardly not really knowing how to react

"anyways, what would you like to order?" Steve asked. We ordered and then sat on the booths.

There was a silence, neither of us saying anything. Look I like him and all but it was so awkward just us two. Not that I know them for long but still

"So how's Hawkins so far?" he asked breaking the silence. "oh um good I guess" I replied. "cool" he said smiling. I smiled back. "I can't for you to meet our friends" he said after we've talked about the most random stuff ever just not be so awkward

And I went along with it. "yeah me too" I said thinking about them. Mostly the girl.. Cause I'm just genuinely curious to meet her because she sounds nice

I hope she's not like other girls. Those who are mean and thinking they're better than everyone else, mocking me for just being.. Me

I guess we'll see how it goes. "I'm sorry about Steve earlier-" he suddenly said. It's like he's been wanting to say it for a while but couldn't

"It's alright don't worry" I said. He smiled nervously and nodded. "Sorry if I sounded mean-it's just I barely know you-" I said feeling bad about earlier.

I was so embarrassed that I hadn't realised how he must have felt. "you didn't-its alright" he said smiling. I smiled back. Then we just walked around the mall.

*meanwhile in california*

El's pov

I couldn't wait to go to Hawkins again. Joyce and hopper said we would go in like two weeks. "Has Mike written to you?" will asked as we were both sitting on our beds

"Oh um.. Not yet" I said feeling a but hurt. "oh.. Does he know we're going to Hawkins for spring break?" he asked. "yeah I sent the letter but he didn't reply back" I said. He nodded.

"last time he sent me a letter he said we would meet a girl" I said. "a girl?" he asked confused. "Yeah, he says that Dustin and lucas invited her, she's new" I said.

"oh okay, that's nice, wait... Are you jealous" he asked. "I don't know" I said. "you don't know..?" he asked. "I mean-I don't think he would do something but I'm still a bit jealous I have to admit" I said. He nodded

*later at night*

We headed to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about going to Hawkins. I really miss Mike and our friends. I'm curious to see the new girl mike has mentioned

I might be a little jealous but i was curious cause I've never had any girl friends. I mean.. I don't we'll become friends but I don't know.. I'm overthinking

Pretty sure she won't like me or something I don't know. I just hope Mike doesn't like her.

908 words. To be continued!
Hii, sorry I don't really like this chapter but here you go
I want elmax😍😂

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