Chapter 53: Good News Part 2

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Max's pov

After our emotional moment with my mom I finished doing my homework. I already told my mom that I would go to Mike's house in half an hour.

My mom did offer me to drive me to Mike's house but I told her I would ride my skateboard. Just as I was getting ready someone knocked on my bedroom door. My heart skipped a beat hoping it wouldn't be Neil or Billy

"yes?" I said. It was my mom fortunately. I sighed relieved. "Um hey, just wanted to let you know that it's raining outside so I'll drive you there" my mom told me with a smile. I frowned as I opened the curtains to check the weather outside

"I didn't notice it was raining" I said. "I mean you do have those headphones on you all the time so it's reasonable" she said. "yeah I guess" I shrugged. I genuinely cannot live without my headphones. Music is my escape from reality

Especially when Neil is yelling, or when they're arguing either with my mom or Billy. It distracts me from everything. "Alright let's go" she said. I nodded and followed her.

As we were walking I saw Neil on the couch, definitely drunk. "where-you-are you going young lady" he mumbled over his word clearly drunk. I sighed and didn't respond. "Dont ignore me you little rat-" he said angrily as he was half awake. He must have drank more this time, not surprised to be honest

"I'm going to a friend's house" I said. "hm, okay I don't give a fuck" he said rolling his eyes. Then why did you ask, I thought but I didn't say that. I glanced at my mom, she wore no expression

"alright let's go max" she told me quietly as Neil kept staring at the tv half asleep as he took another big sip out of his beer. My heart sank as I noticed 4 empty bottles of beer on the floor next to him. He's drunk as fuck, excuse my language

My mom walked over to him and snatched the bottle from him. He glared at her angrily as if she killed someone or something. I mean, you take away an alcoholic's drink what would you expect

"Give me that shit back, woman!" he yelled. "You've drank enough Neil, you're going to die" my mom said. Why does she even care? I'm not wishing him death but-I mean deep down I want him to disappear.

Okay maybe not dead because that would be terrible to say but I just want him out of my life, out of our lives. He's ruined our lives in the most possible way and I will never forget that. Living in fear every single day

"I'm not gonna die? Don't be dramatic it's just a drink-" he said. "just a drink?! Neil there's like 4 empty bottles on the floor including this half full one, and god knows how many you've drank before coming home" my mom said

"Why do you care?" he asked, spit coming out of his mouth which I found disgusting. My mom didn't say anything.

"mom let's go.. Please" I said scared something might happen. She looked at me and then at Neil. She nodded. "Dont you dare ever do that again, do you hear me!" he yelled as we walked outside ignoring him

Fortunately he was so drunk that he didn't bother to follow us. He would probably pass out the moment he would stand up anyways

"you didn't have to do all that mom" I said angrily as I got into the car. "What was I supposed to do?" she asked. "just leave it alone maybe? Did you really expect him to listen to you? He's not gonna stop drinking" I said

"have you seen how many beers there were on the floor-" she said. "I did mom! I'm not blind, it's his fault not yours, not mine, it's his responsibility, I'm not wishing him to die I just don't care" I said

She didn't say anything and started the car. After 2 minutes of silence she spoke. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I could put us in a terrible danger" she said quietly as if she's suddenly aware of something bad happening

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