Chapter 19: Truth Or Dare (Elmax Sleepover)

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Max's pov

After the conversation and Will's apology well, if you think about it, will  shouldn't be the one apologising, Mike should.

I mean, mike did come over to "apologise" whatever he was trying to do but el didn't want to speak to him so we basically kicked him out

Will shouldn't have to apologise for something Mike did, even if he wanted to kiss back, but he didn't. Will knew Mike and el were dating and respected that and Mike who is, well was El's boyfriend  didn't give a shit about his own girlfriend's feelings or to respect her?

Like come on, as much as will wantes to kiss Mike back he would never hurt el, his step sister which shows how much of a asshole Mike is, excuse my language

Anyways, will went to the living room to watch tv so it was just el in the room. "what do you want to do?" I asked her smiling trying to cheer her up

She shrugged. "I wish I had the magazines we usually read with me" I said giggling as she smiled slightly, we usually read magazines or comics, the last 2 times we had sleepovers

But this time it wasn't a planned sleepover so yeah. "it's okay" she said smiling. "we already read mine plus will insisted we don't bring all of them so the rest are in california" el said as she rolled her eyes making me laugh

"it's alright, we can do something else, oh! How about truth or dare?" I asked. She giggled. "truth or dare?" she asked giggling looking at me. Her laugh melted my heart-

Stop it max for God's sake. "Yeah the game when you-" I started but she cut me off. "I know what truth or dare is, chloe, Austin, will and I once played, we've got a board game with cards, you know truth or dare cards" el said

For some reason I felt a pinch of jealousy but I ingored this strange feeling. "Ohh okay" I said playing cool. "we can play though" she said smirking slightly. I smirked back. "Sure" I said laughing making her giggle

and then el walked out to get a bottle to spin. "alright let's start" el said as she came back. "who should spin first?" I asked. "I don't mind, you can" el said. I nodded. "sure" I said as el  picked out a card to read it out loud to me

"have you ever burn something?" el asked giggling as I laughed. "what a nice first question" el joked. "I know right" I said giggling. "umm.. Yeah" I said as she gasped dramatically jokingly.

"When?" she asked laughing. "look-it was an accident, my dad and I once were making crepes and I burnt one because I went to the bathroom for a second and forgot it there as my dad went to pick up Nutella cause we ran out of it" I said laughing slightly

"Did he find out?" el asked giggling. I shook my head guilty and laughed. "well done maxie well done" she joked strictly making me blush by the nickname

"Alright, your turn" I said. El nodded and span the bottle. It landed on truth again as I  grabbed a card

"what's the funniest situation you've ever been to?" I asked. She looked away staring at the wall thinking as I waited patiently

"uhhh" she wondered. "Oh! Once will, Jonathan, I and a friend of Jonathan's went to get something to drink and his friend named argyle tripped over a rock as we were about to get into the car and it was so funny" el said laughing as I joined her

I love seeing people falling for some reason which is mean but... It's funny what can I do? Gotta make sure they're okay though

"seeing people falling is so funny" I said laughing as she nodded agreeing. "okay your turn" el said. I span the bottle and it landed on dare. My heart stopped beating for a second

I don't like the dare cards, they're always bad for some reason. El picked out a random card and read it out loud. "I dare you to go prank someone" el said

I smirked. Okay maybe it wasn't as bad. "oh hell yeah I live for pranks" I said smiling as I rubbed my hands making el laugh. "who are you going to prank?" el asked. "uhh-" I said

"wait! Will-wait no, Will's had a difficult day like us we should prank Jonathan" el said. It's so cute how el thought of Will's feelings as well. Other would be so mad if they were her but el understood him and that's important

"okay, I don't have any ideas for some reason" I said laughing. "what about you?" I asked. She asked not innocently like she had a brilliant idea. "I can tell him to get me something from the bathroom, as soon as he walks km we lock the door and close the lights!" I said

El's pov

In my point if view the idea freaked me out to be honest, bringing back old bad memories. I hate being in the dark, locked, scared feeling stuck but I knew it was completely as a joke.

Not everyone thinks like me so I agreed with idea, I didn't want to sound dumb. "Sure" I said giggling. "Jonathan!" I called from my room as we turned off the radio of music so we can communicate

"Yeah?" Jonathan yelled back. "can you please get me my hair brush from the bathroom please?" I yelled. "not the hair brush, your hair brush is over there"

. "yeah sure, in a second" he said. "alright thank you" I said as i made eye contact with max as we giggled quietly

We heard the door opening and peaked quietly. As soon as he walked in we locked the door and turned off the light

"what the hell!!" he yelled. Max and I laughed. "Who did this, come on knock it off" Jonathan yelled. We immediately turned the light back on, not wanting to take this too far

He walked outside and stared at us irritated. "What was that for?" he asked calm this time. "It was a prank" I said giggling as max laughed too

"I figured" Jonathan said as he stared at us for a second, then he  couldn't help but laugh a little. "alright whatever, don't ever do it again" he said with a small smile but you could tell he was still a bit mad

We nodded and went back to the room. Max and I immediately bursted out laughing again. Then it was El's turn. She span the bottle

It landed on truth. I then picked ort a card. "have you ever skipped class?" I asked. "to be honest no" el said. I nodded. "have you?" she asked. "uhh.. A few times yeah" I said. She smirked and giggled

"Naughty girl" she joked as i gasped dramatically. "Hey! It was so boring i had no choice" I said as she laughed even more. "I'm joking" she said. "I know" I said

Then it my turn to spin the bottle, it landed on truth. El picked out a card. "ohh, so.." she trailed off. "Do you have a crush?" she asked. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat as I blushed

1232 words. To be continued!
Hii sorry I handy updated

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