Chapter 7: The News

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*In california*

Third person's pov

Will, El And their 2 new friends have gotten closer by the time. It's been about 1 month since they've met and they basically started hanging out

Mike has finally replied to some of El's letters. One day el and will invited their new friends over. Fortunately hopper and Joyce agreed especially because they were so happy to hear that they've made friends

Will and Austin decided to walk over somewhere to get some snacks from the store near our house for all of them 4 I while the two girls stayed at home. "soo has Mike replied??" chloe asked smirking

El nodded smiling. Chloe loudly gasped. "No way!! You're joking?!!" chloe said dramatically. "I'm not!" el said smiling

But then El's smile faded away. Chloe realising, got up from El's desk chair and went to sit down next to el who was sitting on the bed reading something.

"What's wrong?" chloe softly asked putting her hand on the brunette's shoulder. "It's just-he-" el stuttered. "he still hasn't put - love Mike, has he?" chloe asked bored of Mike

El nodded slowly. Chloe sighed. "he doesn't sound nice to me but like-maybe he's not ready yet?" chloe asked trying to comfort her friend

El shrugged. "I think he simply just doesn't love me.." el said. "I mean, I don't blame him.." el added quietly. Chloe frowned

"woah! Don't say that!" chloe said angrily. "Jane look at me" chloe said. El was still staring at the ground fidgeting with her fingers. "Jane" chloe tried again

El finally looked at her. "He loves you.. He probably just doesn't know how to say it or express his feelings" chloe said. El nodded, still unsure.

"It's always 'from Mike'" el said. "I know.. That's stupid of him" chloe said. "can I read what he wrote this time? If that's okay of course" chloe asked. El nodded

⬇️Mike's letter⬇️

Hey el! I missed you so much! I wish you were here right now, it's not the same without you and will. The party is alright but it's not the same, I hope you're having fun in california!
-from Mike

"aww he's sweet!" chloe said smiling. El nodded smiling. Chloe has asked el how she met Mike etc but she couldn't tell her the truth. She told her that they just met last year in 6th grade in middle school

In reality they indeed met in 6th at the age of 11 when el escaped the lab, the boys found her and everything.

"Yeah he is" el said. She wanted to tell her everything. How Mike saved her, how grateful she is and happy that she has him. But she couldn't plus no one would believe them

I mean let's be honest, who would believe someone saying that she has powers and killed monsters etc.

El's pov

"when are you going to see him again?" chloe asked. "My dad and step mom said probably on spring break" I said. "Are you going there or is he coming here?" chloe asked. "I'm going there" I said. She nodded

"well that's great!!, I'm happy for you!" chloe said smiling. I smiled back. "He's also told me that a new girl joined their friend group" el added.

"oh" chloe said. "He said that she was new in class and that Dustin and lucas wanted to talk to her so they did. Mike's not so happy about it for some reason" el said.

"well.. Are you jealous?" chloe asked. I shrugged. "I don't really know, I mean.. I don't know" I said. "it's alright, it's normal if you feel jealous, he's your boyfriend" chloe said

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