Chapter 16: Mike Part 2

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El's pov

Max and I went upstairs to get water, leaving will and Mike in the basement. Nancy was in the kitchen as well making coffee

"oh hey girls" she said. "hey" both max and I said. "how's it going?" she asked. "good, what about you?" I asked. "good" he said. We nodded smiling as she smiled back

We then got water. "you can get snacks if you would like to" Nancy said smiling as we were drinking water. Max and I looked at each other. We smiled and nodded

Nancy motioned us where the snacks were and we picked a few. "feel free to get more than one snack it's okay by the way" Nancy told us when we grabbed one bag of chips as we closed the cabinet door

"Are you sure?" I asked shyly. "of course" Nancy said smiling. Then we grabbed another snack and headed downstairs to the basement

What I saw once I reached the last step of the stairs shocked me.. It was will and Mike.. Kissing. My heart broke at the scene

I didn't know what it means, a boy kissing a boy? I don't get it.. No one told me about such things. What I knew is that definitely friends don't kiss

No matter how much i didn't know about a boy kissing a boy means but obviously friends don't kiss

"Mike?" I asked as my voice broke. Both of their faces were burning red. Max was shocked too, not knowing what to say or do.

"wait-its not-" Mike stuttered. "Mike what?!" I asked heartbroken, confused, upset, I don't even know how to explain my feelings at that moment.

"I can explain-" Mike said walking towards me as I backed up. He frowned. "why are you walking away from me?" he asked.

"Are you dumb Mike? She just caught you cheating on her and you expect her to come hug you and all? Of course she'll back up" max said. I was glad I had someone to defend me

"I didn't mean to-" Mike said. I knew he was lying so I just ran upstairs,not wanting to hear anything from him ever again

Max's pov

I was shocked by the scene. I was low key happy deep down because I knew Mike and el would break up. I don't know why but I felt a bit good...

However I couldn't help but feel upset because she's my best friend and it broke my heart to see her like that so all I had to do is he there frr her, I wanted to be there for her.

She just caught her stupid boyfriend cheating on her, all she needs is support. The thing is, it's with will.

El ran upstairs. The three of us looked at each other. "you're an asshole Mike!" I said angrily. "I'm sorry-" he said. "Cut the 'sorry' Mike, you're not really sorry. First you completely ignore her in california and now this?!" I said angrily

He was speechless. I didn't say anything else and just followed el.

El's pov

"oh hey el, where are you going? Are you leaving already?" Mrs wheeler asked as I was about to open the door. "Oh um, yeah dad's asking me" I lied.

"oh okay, see you!" she said smiling. I smiled back and left. I went outside and realised I can't just get on Max's bike and leave, leaving her there alone too

Will had his own one. I waited outside for half a minute and then decided to walk home because I didn't want Mike to follow me.

After a couple of seconds of walking I heard max calling my name. "el" she said as she got on her bike. I stopped walking. "oh I'm just going home" I said trying not to cry

"I'm not letting you walk home, get on" she said patting the seat behind her. I hesitated but nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist so I don't fall, ignoring the unknown feeling and butterflies in my stomach

We then arrived at the Byers house. Joyce was in the living room watching tv. She frowned once we walked in. "oh hey girls, why are you here so early? I thought you went to Mike's" Joyce asked confused

"We wanted to spend time alone" I lied. "Yeah" max said agreeing, going along with the lie. "oh. Okay, where's will" she asked. "he's with Mike,we just want to have a girls day" max lied

"oh okay, well have fun" she said smiling. We smiled back and went to my room

I sat on my bed once we walked in, trying to process what just happened. Max sat down next to me. I couldn't help but cry. I've been holding those tears for god knows how long before coming home

Max immediately pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly,as she rubbed my back comfortingly in circles. "why would mike do that" I cried

Max didn't say anything. "he's an asshole el" max said quietly. I pulled away. She stared at me sadly as I looked at her and then looked down, she reached my face and wiped away my tears gently

Making my heart melt wth butterflies in my stomach. My whole body felt like it was on fire, but in a good way. "What did I do wrong?" I asked quietly. "you did nothing wrong el.. Nothing" she said rubbing my cheek softly

"it's all on mike" she said. "I'm just not good enough for him I guess, I knew it from the start. I'm so stupid for thinking that he actually loves me after all, why would he say he loves me if he doesn't mean it?" I asked

Max shrugged. "you're not stupid.. Not at all, Mike doesn't know what he's doing" max said. "why with will? Can boys.. Kiss other boys?" I hesitated to ask this question but I did after all, Max's fave turned red. "uh.." she stuttered

1003 words. To be continued!
Hello, I'm very sorry I hadn't updated, my exams are next week. I did have some free time I just didn't have motivation to write, I'm really sorry,

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