Chapter 24: Planning A Hangout

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El's pov

"alright um.. What should we do? Since we somehow ended up all here together?" lucas asked. We shrugged

"We can go to the mall? For lunch since it's 12 am right now?" Dustin suggested. "or stay here at my house and do anything I don't mind" Dustin said

"we can go to the mall, I don't mind either, what about you guys" lucas said. "um sure mall sounds good" Mike said. The boys looked at us waiting for an answer from us as well

I looked at max. I was low key disappointed that max and I wouldn't hang out by ourselves today. We were planning on going to the park or something but the mike situation changed our plans

"Yeah sure" max replied after looking at me as I nodded agreeing. "alright its settled then!" Dustin said smiling. "Wait - do you all have bikes" he asked

"Uh el and I came with my bike" I said. "Same with lucas" Mike replied. "Okay we can share then" Dustin said. "wait... Where's will?" lucas asked

"we already told you earlier lucas we don't know" Mike said getting defensive for some reason. I honestly didn't know either, we just woke up with no one at home

"el? Max?" Dustin asked us. "we don't know either, we woke up amd no one was at home, we figured they went somewhere together" el said

"They didn't leave a note or anything?" lucas asked. "no, we didn't think much about it lucas" max said. "okay sorry" he said. "well we should go" Mike said

"It's kind of weird if we don't invite him" lucas said as we all nodded agreeing except Mike for some reason. I think Mike has been avoiding will since what he's done for some reason

He makes him feel like it's Will's fault but it isn't. I have no idea what mike is doing. "I'm sure he doesn't mind, he's probably hanging out with Jonathan or something" Mike said. The boys looked at each other

"alright then, here's what we're gonna do.. I'm gonna try to call Jonathan and see if he's with him" Dustin suggested as we all nodded agreeing and still mike was annoyed and not liking the idea.

Dustin went on the phone as we waited patiently sitting on the couches. Max was sitting next to me. My heart was beating fast for some reason

"Hey sorry we didn't make it to our original plan" I whispered to max. "it's okay we'll do it another time" she said smiling slightly as I smiled back.

Dustin hang out the phone. "so?" lucas asked. "he's with Jonathan, they went to a cafe to hang out" Dustin said. "I told you" Mike said. "I told him if he wanted to hang out with us and he agreed, he'll be here in like 10-15 minutes" Dustin said as we all nodded

Then the boys decided to play video games as we wait. I was sitting next to max watching them playing as we spoke to each other at the same time. "hey max, wanna play?" lucas asked her smiling as he turned around to face us

Max looked at me as if she's asking for permission or something. I nodded. She stood up and sat on the couch next to lucas as Dustin and Mike were watching them playing.

They were laughing and smiling as they played which is kind of odd because I thought they were playing against each other, at least that's what Dustin and the others told me

I felt a pinch of jealousy for some reason. I just wanted max to be here with me and not there laughing and smiling at lucas. It's such a weird feeling because I didn't feel like that when the others laughed at each other etc

They played like a few times as I grabbed a magazine I found  next to the couch, of course asking Dustin if I could. I just couldn't handle seeing them playing

I looked up and took a glance at them and sighed trying to hide my jealous expression. I noticed Mike looking at me and then at lucas and max and raised his eyebrows at me

I looked away immediately. The thing is, Mike didn't look mad he looked genuinely confused on why I'm staring at the pair like this. I basically got caught. Let's hope he doesn't think I'm jealous, even though I am..

After like 2 minutes I heard Max's voice calling my name. "hey el" she said turning around to face me. "hm?" I said still looking at the magazine. Max frowned. I then looked up. "Wanna play?" she asked smiling pointing at the controller she was holding

I thought for a second. "i don't know how" she said. "I can show you" max said smiling. I nodded and stood up as lucas got off the seat so I can sit

She first started explaining the game to me. She then grabbed my hands which were holding the controller motioning me what to do making me blush as her warm hands were on top of mine

I tried to stay focus and listen to what she's saying as I noticed her face slightly red as well. "oooo you're actually good at this" max said after about a few minutes of us playing against each other

"bro how is el better than you dude" Dustin mocked lucas laughing. Lucas rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but smile. "max's probably going easy on el" Mike said

I frowned. "what? No? Why would I do that she's simply good at it?" max said frowning. Mike shrugged.

943 words. To be continued!
I'm really sorry I keep loosing motivation to write idk why and what's wrong with me😭

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