Chapter 30: Denial

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Max's pov

We ordered our drinks etc and just chatted for a while. El was quiet for some reason. She's always quiet but not that much

She just seemed off. I would talk to her privately about random stuff just like always but she always answered simply or not so happy. At first I didn't pay attention to it much but after some time I've been kind of concerned

"hey" I said quietly as I nudged her shoulder gently. She turned to look at me. "yeah?" she asked. "you okay?" I asked. She nodded and looked back at Dustin who was talking. I frowned.

She didn't seem okay. "Are you sure? You seem off" I said softly. "yeah max I'm okay don't worry" she said with a smile which I could tell it was fake.

I stared at her for a few seconds, scanning her eyes as she looked away from me again. I grabbed her hand. "El and I are going to the restroom, we'll be back" I said as I stood up dragging el with me as she shot me a confused look

Mike looked at us weirdly but I didn't care much. "max? What are you doing?" el asked as we were walking, our hands still interwined

The cafe's bathroom was empty so it was just us 2. "Okay, what's up?" I asked softly looking at her gorgeous face as she avoided eye contact. "I'm okay max" she said. "I can tell you're not, you can talk to me, did something happen?" I asked.

She shook her head. I was so confused because literally nothing happened. She was so happy and excited before we came to the cafe.

"Is it about Mike?" I asked. She frowned and shook her head. "Anyone?" I asked desperately because I didn't want her upset

"No max, I said I'm fine, really" she said smiling. I sighed. I thought for a second. "is it about what lucas said?" I asked. She looked away. "No-it's just-I hope he didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything-never mind you probably liked it-" she stuttered making me frown at all the information. Is she jealous or? No why would she be jealous jeez max

"What? It's alright el, it made me a little confused at his comment but everything's alright, there's no need to worry" I said resting my hand on her cheek as she looked down and blushed

She nodded. Our faces were slightly close, my hand was still on her cheek. I could feel my face turning red as well as my heart was racing I'm pretty sure I could have a heart attack

I looked down at her  lips and then back at her eyes as I noticed her doing the same thing. I leaned in closer, our faces inches apart now. I could smell the cherry lip gloss she got on her lips before we left

She leaned in a little closer as well as we both closed our eyes. But someone walked in. We could hear the door opening and we pulled away immediately. It was just a random woman simply wanting to use the restroom

We didn't get into any stall or something, we were standing right in front of the sinks. She stared at us awkwardly for a few seconds as we did the same feeling scared and ashamed. "oh um, sorry-I'm just gonna go use the restroom-my apologies-" the woman said apologetically

I didn't know if we were going to kiss. My face was burning up and my heart wouldn't stop racing. Neither of us said anything as the woman got into one of the stalls

El and I avoided eye contact, it's like we were both trying to process what's going on. "Oh um.." I cleared my throat after a few seconds of silence realising that I have to say something because it was so awkward.

My mind was screaming at me kiss her, kiss her but I couldn't. She's my best friend, she's a girl. I can't do that. I'm not like that no.. Neil and everyone are wrong I'm not a Dyke

Deep down I've wanted to kiss her so badly. But my mind refused. "I'm sorry-I shouldn't have-" I stuttered not knowing what to say. She shot me a slightly disappointed look. "Yeah, it's okay don't worry" she said nervously

"we should go back to the boys-" I said. "yeah-right" she said quickly walking outside as I stared at myself in the mirror for a couple of seconds. I face palmed myself for being stupid

I'm not sure why though. Because i didn't kiss her when I had the chance to even before that lady interrupted us or because I was so scared of admitting how I felt towards my best friend and how guilty I was

I just tried my best to hold back tears. My face turns really red when I cry and it takes a while to make it not visible that I've cried. I don't even know why I was on the edge of crying

I then walked outside going to the others. El was sitting there staring at the table as the boys were normally talking.

"it took you two a while" lucas said. Shut up, I thought. Sorry-

El and I looked at each other. "we can't use the bathroom?" I said sarcastically as lucas frowned. I regretted my words the moment I said it. Why do i always have to he so rough for such little things

"Um no, I didn't say that" lucas said. Mike and will were staring at us again for some reason. I shot then a 'what do you want' look and they looked away quickly

960 words. To be continued!

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