Chapter 33: Goodbye Hawkins

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El's pov

Once hopper, Joyce and Jonathan were all packed up they walked into the living room. "um.. It's time to go" hopper said. We all looked at each other as we stood up

All of them offered to help putting all the stuff in the car. We started hugging each other. We were all crying. Lucas wasn't crying at first but as soon as he hugged will he couldn't help it. Then he hugged me as well

I may get jealous whenever he's with max but of course I love him. He's a good friend. After we all hugged, of course I hugged Mike as well cause its okay

He's still my friend. The last hug was with max.. "I'm gonna miss  you" she whispered in my ear. "I'm gonna miss you too" I said as a tears fell down my face

I could hear her sniffing. She was crying too? I could see her getting emotional at the scene of all of us hugging each other but she didn't cry.

Will she really miss me? Of course el, you're best friends. But it will never be more.. Lucas is probably the one she likes

Luca's pov

I've never seen max cry before. She's always tough, always doesn't care about anything or anyone. I'm not saying she's a bad person.

She's always acted slightly differently with el. It's been only 2 weeks since they've met but they've became so close in such little time. I was glad max had a girl-friend. Same with el.

"is max really crying or is it just me?" Dustin asked Mike, will and I quietly. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked. "nothing it's just weird" Dustin said. "she has a soft spot for el" Mike muttered underneath his breath

"I guess" Dustin shrugged. "Just because she's never cried in front of us it doesn't mean she's heartless" will spoke up. "I never said that" Dustin said.

Will's pov

"aren't they adorable" I heard Joyce telling hopper. Hopper nodded smiling. I could tell that my mom and hopper liked max. They were happy el has found a new friend to hang out with

Well, especially hopper because he doesn't like Mike at all. El and I have been begging my mom and hopper to let us live back in Hawkins but they don't listen to us

They just say it's not easy to go back and blah blah. It's not like going to california was easy but whatever.

*flashback one night after coming back in Hawkins for spring break*

We were having dinner all of us. El, hopper, Joyce, Jonathan and I as usual. It was the 4th day in Hawkins for spring break.

Jonathan started a conversation by saying how Nancy told Jonathan that he could work for the Hawkins post in case we ever come back and live permanently in Hawkins.

El and I immediately looked at each other in joy and hope at his comment. Joyce and hopper looked at each other with a look I can't describe or tell.

"tell Nancy thank you but I don't think we'll come back" Joyce said after clearing her throat as my face faded, so did Will's in disappointment

"why not? We all want to live here in Hawkins" Jonathan said. "I know that but we can't. We already have a house in california,we got you into school we got jobs and everything" hopper started saying as he counted every 'reason' we couldn't stay in Hawkins.

"We've had everything here too" will said. "This town is full of memories which you know quite well" hopper said trying to stay calm. "That's all in the past! I don't mind coming back here. We've been here for 2 weeks and I've never been better. I got to see my girlfriend Nancy, our friends, everyone, have you seen how will and el happy they are right now" Jonathan said as will and I nodded while Joyce and hopper looked at us

I could tell Jonathan was upset because he doesn't usually argue or talk back. "They've made friends in california as well. We are all good" hopper said

"Bad memories or not it's still our home, everyone we love is in this town" Jonathan said. "You've got argyle honey" Joyce said calmy. "I know but-it's just not the same-" Jonathan said. "You just want to stay here with Nancy, we get it kid you're in love but it's just not that simple" hopper said angrily.

"Don't you care about your new friend's feelings anyways?" hopper said turning to will and I but also referring to Jonathan about his fried argyle

"They would understand the reason we want to stay in Hawkins" will said. Hopper stared at him for a second probably not expecting that answer. He then looked at me as I nodded agreeing with will

Hopper looked away sighing. "let's just eat kids, no more arguing, we'll see" Joyce said. The three of us were still upset but didn't say anything more already knowing that it would make no difference

*end of flashback*

El's pov

We hugged each other tightly, not letting go for good 2 minutes until hopper spoke up. "alright girls, it's time to go" hopper said Rubbing my back as I pulled away from max. Our faces stained with tears

I nodded and sniffed. We got into the car as they all waved goodbye. As hopper and Joyce were getting ready to drive will and I turned around as we were sitting to look at the boys outside

I noticed lucas approaching max.. He put his hand on her shoulder which seemed like he was asking her if she was okay with a concerned look. Max's face was as red as her hair

My heart broke at the sight. Not only because lucas was there for her and I was not. I hated seeing max crying.

We then drove away as they all waved at us for the last time. I couldn't help but cry as I stared out of the window. Joyce and hopper asked us if we were okay but we didn't answer

It's their fault we're leaving. I could sense Will's eyes staring at me at times. "hey" he whispered. He was sitting in the middle because Jonathan was in the window seat. Will and I may have argued a little because neither of us liked the middle seat but he finally agreed

"yeah?" I asked quietly. "you okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "me either.."he said grabbing my hand in comfort as I smiled. He was always there for me when I needed him."did you tell max..?well you know" he asked whispering so no one hears

Jonathan was asleep next to us. Same with Joyce in the passenger seat. "No, I almost did but Dustin came" I said as he nodded disappointed. He looked at me waiting for more information but I glanced at the others in the car

"can we talk about it later?" I asked him. "of course" he said. I smiled and he smiled back. After a few minutes I suddenly felt tired. I rested my head on Will's shoulder as he tested his on mine as too as we both fell asleep.

1214 words. To be continued!
Hii, I know probably none of you are happy with this chapter, I'm not either

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