Chapter 14: Hangout At The Cafe

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El's pov

We left Mike's house. I was so happy we got back to Hawkins I really missed all of our friends. The whole Mike situation was ruining my mood

"did you guys have fun?" hopper said as we were on our way home. "yeah" both will and I said smiling. "that's great" Joyce said smiling.

"How long are we going to stay?" will asked. "uhh for about 2 weeks honey, we'll be back on Friday before school starts" Joyce said. We nodded, feeling sad that we have to leave soon

We then arrived at home. We started unpacking etc. Will and I would share the room. Jonathan had his own as we all lived together at the Byers old house

Will and I fell on our beds exhausted from the flight, unpacking and everything in general. It was a long day.

"Are you alright? You seemed a bit off today, I mean-you were really excited to see our friends but I could tell something was bothering you at some point" will suddenly said as we were watching tv in our room

"Yeah I'm okay" I said. "is it about Mike?" he asked after a few seconds. "I mean-kind of yeah.." I said. "did you guys talk?" he asked. "well, we did but he got nonsense excuses on why he wasn't writing to me" I said

"I just-I don't know if I did anything, I've written to him a couple of times. Maybe he simply doesn't like me anymore-" I said. "hey-you didn't do anything, okay? Don't blame yourself, we don't know what Mike was/is thinking, I'm sure you didn't do anything at all" he said smiling at the end

"he probably found an other girl or something.. I'm not good enough" I said looking down. Will's eyes softened as he frowned.

"hey no, don't say that again, you're enough el" will said feeling hurt hearing el talking like that about herself

"how do you know that.." I said quietly. He didn't say anything, I suddenly felt arms around me as I was looking down. I hugged him back

"If mike ever does anything or anyone, come to me. You can talk to me, we're here for each other right?" will asked pulling away. That's what we've been telling each other every day at california

He was reminding me every day, saying he'll be here for me if I need him and same to him. After all, we had each other in california. We're way closer than before and I'm happy about that

Hopper and Joyce are so happy we get along instead of being jealous or mad like other step siblings do or whatever

"Yeah.. I will, same with you thank you" I said smiling. He smiled back. "we're going to hang out with the party tomorrow right?" I asked

"Yeah of course! Tomorrow morning at the cafe, we're gonna get milkshakes" will said smiling. I smiled excitedly. "great! I can't wait" I said. Then the new girl I've met today suddenly got to my mind

"Is max gonna be there?" I asked. "yeah.. Is that okay? Are you guys friends now?" will asked. "I don't know if we're friends,we played cards and talked a little" I said. He nodded. "well, that's progress! I thought you would hate her to be honest" he said giggling making me frown

"what? What do you mean?" I asked laughing slightly along. "I don't know" he said. "she's actually really nice so far, she's not mean unlike other girls" I said as he smiled

"Yeah I agree" he said. "well, great opportunity to make a new friend el!" he said smirking. I giggled. "yeah whatever, I don't know if she wants to be friends" I said looking away avoiding Will's eyes

"el? What are you talking about? Of course she wants to be friends, she wouldn't talk to you if she didn't" will said. I nodded. "yeah sorry-its just, I've never had a girl-friend and yeah" I stuttered blushing thinking about the redhead

Why was I blushing. "yeah I understand, it's alright take your time, I'm sure you'll get along perfectly" will said smiling. I smiled back. Then we continued watching tv.

*time skip, the next day*

It was the next day, meaning I would be seeing my friends again. I was so happy. I really don't want to go back to california.

Joyce drove us to the cafe where we would meet the others. We told Joyce goodbye and headed in the store.

And there they were. All of them, Mike, lucas, Dustin and max. Max actually looked gorgeous. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt with blue jeans.

(a/n: Max covered her scars and bruises with concealer cause the weather was getting hotter so she could wear sleeveless shirts etc)

"hey!" will and I said. They smiled widely when they saw us. "oh hi!" they all said smiling. We sat down. Mike pat the seat next to me motioning me to sit next to him. I walked over to him

Mike was on my right and Dustin was in my left as lucas, max and will opposite of us. Then we ordered as we started talking about random stuff

"hey, I'm sorry" mine suddenly whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything. "whatever Mike" I said. "Why are you being so rude to me?" he asked still whispering. "I'm not being rude, it's just I find it weird that you didn't want to talk to me, that's all" I said simply.

He didn't say anything. I was hurt because I could feel that he didn't like me anymore and that's what made me more upset

"Come on el-i didn't mean to-I was thinking about you all day I promise, I don't know why I didn't send letters, I'm sorry" he said putting his arm on my thigh. I looked down. That made me a bit uncomfortable

I pulled his hand away as he frowned. He then tried to grab my hand. I didn't drop it this time. I gulped unsure if I even liked him holding my hand anymore

I looked up and noticed max looking at us. She immediately looked away.

*time skip*

It was time to leave. "hey max" I said just as she was about to leave. She turned around. "yeah?" she asked. I looked down, suddenly feeling nervous for absolutely no reason

"do you um-maybe want to hang out with me?" I asked. "oh um, sure where?" she asked. "maybe you could come over right now, if you want to of course-" I said feeling a bit shy cause I was unsure if she even wanted to come

"Yeah sure, I'm just gonna go call my mom and let her know real quick if that's okay" she said. I nodded. She borrowed a phone and called her mom

She then nodded. "could you explain where your house is please?" she asked nervously laughing. "there's no need to, we'll take you there" I said smiling

"Are you sure? I have my skateboard" she said. "I'm sure plus Joyce is gonna pick will and I up anyways and since you're coming with us, you can of course come" I said

She nodded smiling. "thanks" she said. "no problem" I said. After about 2 minutes Mike and Dustin were about to leave. Luca's already left

"Alright see you tomorrow el" Mike said leaning in to kiss me. I kissed back. He smiled as he pulled away, I smiled back.

Max's pov

I felt a pinch in my heart once mike and el kissed. I looked away , automatically landing my eyes on will who was already looking at me

We awkwardly smiled at each other. It was so awkward, just standing there like idiots while they kissed. It was a short kiss but it felt like forever and awkward. Then Mike left as Joyce pulled up 5 minutes later.

1330 words. To be continued!

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