Chapter 40: Back To School Part 2

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El's pov

*time skip, at lunch*

Austin, will, chloe and i sat down to eat lunch. We started telling them how Hawkins was etc and so did they about how they spent their spring break etc

"so, how's everything with Mike" chloe asked me with a smirk on her face causing the two boys who were talking to each other for some time.

Austin smirked too. Will and I looked at each other. My heart was beating faster than normally. "Oh um-we broke up" I said awkwardly. The smirk on their face faded as their Jaws dropped

"What?!" they both said at the same time. "What happened? What did he do-" chloe asked. I could sense that will was uncomfortable. He might have been afraid of outing him and Mike

But i would never do that. "We just decided to be just friends" I lied. "Did you argue or something? Like okay he didn't write to you much but-didn't you guys talk it out? Like fix it?" chloe asked millions of questions I could barely process each

"I confronted him about it, he apologised and everything but we just wanted to be just friends" I said. I could tell that they were both confused

"Oh um.. Okay-like do you not have feelings for each other? Because you just randomly broke up" Austin said. "Well.. You could say that" I said

I didn't know what other explanation I could have. Their constant and multiple questions made me nervous because I thought that I wouldn't be able to lie

"Well.. That sucks, but are you okay?" chloe asked grabbing my hand. "yeah.. I think I'm happier now" I slowly said looking at will feeling relieved as he smiled slightly back at me

"well, since you're happier, that all that matters" Austin said as we all nodded in agreement. "Okay.. Is there someone else though?" chloe asked smirking

Oh god.. I thought. I couldn't just tell her. I wasn't sure how I felt myself how would I tell her too. "nope" I said. Will was looking at me slightly worried and we both knew why

"Oh my god, I forgot to mention! We also went to the arcade a couple of times" will suddenly changed the subject fortunately, he must have sensed it

"Oo that's great!" they both said. "We made a new friend also, who joined our friend group etc" will also said. "Oooo I'm so glad you did" chloe said looking at me

"Yeah me too!" I said smiling back. "Wait-so now you the friend group isn't only boys right?" Austin asked. We nodded. "ohh that's so cool! El you've got company" chloe said smirking

We all know she meant just friends way about max and I... "yeah!we're um best friends now" I said trying not to flinch by those words for some reason. It's like it hurt me inside by saying that

"Ooo I'm happy for you, I'm sure she's a great person" chloe said. I nodded smiling at the thought of max. Chloe looked at me kind of weirdly but smiled

I think she caught me smiling to myself or something.. "tell me more about her" she said with a genuine smile making me look up. I blushed slightly and I started talking about max and how much of a good.. friend she is and how well we bonded

I couldn't help but smile while talking about her and so was chloe. She had no reason to be jealous over us having other friends cause why would you be jealous?

To be honest, we all had different lives and friends before meeting each other in california so it's quite reasonable

Austin and will were talking separately about Dustin, Mike and lucas as chloe and i were talking about max and other stuff in general

I wish I could tell her the moment max and I had that time in the bathroom when we almost kissed. And how good it made me feel yet so horrible after because we didn't kiss and the fact that she said she didn't mean to lean in etc, everything that's happened basically

We both felt comfortable telling each other stuff, I mean chloe and i. But I couldn't risk it. I couldn't risk telling her how much i love-like max

Because I knew people are homophobic. Which made me feel 100 x times worse.

736 words. To be continued!

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