Chapter 18: Will's Apology

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Max's pov

I was happy that I was going to stay for a sleepover again. We've have 2 sleepovers so far. I was so sad that she would go away in a week, back to california

We've bonded quickly and we're close friends, there's one thing, no, not a thing a feeling that I've been curious about. I don't know why I feel this way around el

And it was so sudden, like the moment I saw her-stop it max, I am not gay, end of discussion, they're wrong, I'm not gay

Anyways, El has been feeling better since Mike and I was glad for that. I've tried to cheer her up and it kinda worked. We were now watching tv

*20 minutes later*

Suddenly someone walked in. It was Mike and will. We both stared at them as they stared back. "uh-can we come in?" will asked. El sighed quietly.

"Mike-I'm still mad and upset so could you please get out?" el calmy said. "But it will be quick-just let me explain-" Mike said. "There's nothing to explain Mike just go-" el said calmy again but I could tell she was starting to get mad and I knew if he said another word she would  raise her voice which is not so good

"But-" Mike tried again. "Mike I swear to god, if she says she wants you to go you fucking go" I interrupt before el gets more upset. "Max don't get involved-" he said annoyed.

"Mike, I said go" el said raising her voice slightly as she gave him a glare,i felt proud of her for some reason. That she could stand up for herself

I hate the fact that Mike thinks he's taking control of their relationship, whatever relationship that was. Mike was low key scared so he stopped and nodded

"okay-I'll go" he said quickly walking out the room. There was a silence between us. Will was still here obviously cause it's his home.

"I-im sorry el-" will apologised. "Who kissed who first?" el quietly asked, seems like she calmed down a little once mike stepped out of the room. Reasonable I have to admit-sorry

"Oh um, Mike" will said. El nodded. "Did you kiss back?" el asked. "Oh, I-I didn't" he stuttered but in a way neither of us believed him.

"Oh.." el whispered as will and I glanced at each other for a second. I saw it in his eyes, he did want to kiss him though or he lied

"You.. Wanted to though?" el asked. She realised,she's not dumb. She's still confused on how boys can kiss boys since she's been told its wrong by the society.

Will's face immediately turned red. I was right.. both of us actually. "i-im sorry-" will said. El's face softened. I really hoped that she wouldn't be mad at him

"I-I did want to but-I knew it was wrong since you two were dating-" will said, I could tell he was about to cry. I felt bad for him..

"Will.." el started. "I'm sorry-" he apologised again. "will! It's okay, I just wished you would have told me" el cut him off. I was relieved that she wasn't mad at him

Will frowned not expecting this reaction. "what?" he quietly asked. "why didn't you tell me?" el asked. "I-I obviously couldn't el" will said.

I accidentally laughed making them both of them look at me. "uh-sorry, no offence brownie but I think he couldn't just tell you that he has feelings for your boyfriend-" I chuckled slightly

I then realised the nickname. I've said it once, El just laughed when I said so we made it as a joke. Will stared at me for a second before laughing. "brownie?" he asked giggling.

El laughed as well as I blushed slightly. "oh uh-cause she has brown hair and eyes-" I said. "I know it's okay, it's cute" will said. I sighed relieved cause I just embarrassed myself

"okay.. Um will it's okay" el said. "it's not your fault mike kissed you even if you wanted him to I just wish he could have told me because-" she said but then took a deep breath

"Because God knows how long he's been playing with my feelings" el finished. I really felt bad for her. This whole time, not only he ingored her when he finally told her that he loves her he did that

Like, why would you tell someone you love them if you don't mean it? I get it, he's confused towards his feelings but he could have explained it to her even though it would be hurtful but at least not cheating. The fact that el found out by cheating is double hurtful.

"he cares about you el-what he did, is.. Unacceptable and stupid" will said. El nodded. "I don't think he cares about me will let's be honest here, he never cared, he thought he liked me I'm just stupid for thinking he liked me" el said

"Hey, he did like you el-" I said. "clearly he didn't max" el cut me off. I didn't say anything.

870 words. To be continued!

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