Chapter 52: Good news Part 1

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El's pov

Will and I went to to his room. As soon as the door closed, we both ran to hug each other excitedly. I was so happy I started to tear up. "wait-are you crying?" he asked still not pulling away from the hug

"happy-*sniffles* tears" I said. "me too" he said. I smiled, thinking about seeing my friends again.. seeing max. My beloved friend. Then it hit me like a wave. I pulled away slightly worried. He frowned confused

"what is it? Why that sudden change of mood?" he asked. "I'm going to see max" I said. He looked even more confused. "That's.. A great thing? Why do you seem upset by it?" he asked

"I'm not.. It's just-you know after what happened-" I said slowly avoiding eye contact. "el.. Listen to me" he said making me look up at him. "I'm sure max will be okay.. not okay, she will be very happy to see you. You two will discuss what happened just like you've planned and everything is going to be okay" he said smiling slightly

"how do you know? I don't want our friendship to be ruined by my stupid feelings-" I said. "Last time I checked, you didn't ruin anything" he said. "how do you know?" I asked. "I just do el, we both know it" he said. I nodded and shrugged.

"wait did max send you a letter back?" he asked. "Oh uh, I forgot to check the mailbox" I said. "should we go check?" he asked smirking. I smirked and nodddx. We both walked out of my room and went outside to the mailbox

Will had the key and opened it, surprisingly it was indeed Max's letter. We both looked at each other in slightly shocked but happy. "See, I told you she would write back, it just took some time to arrive" he said. I nodded

We went back to his room. "alright you open it of course" he said handing it to me. I nodded and grabbed it. I looked up at him. "what is it? What are you waiting for?" he asked frowning. "I don't know.. Just a bit nervous I guess" I admitted.

"it's gonna be okay el" he said smiling. I sighed nervously, nodded and finally opened it. I started reading.

(a/n: here's the letter again in case you forgot) ⬇️

Hey el,
How are you? I really miss you too.. It's the same here, I'm like really bored, without you I feel lost.. I don't know if it sounds stupid but yeah, I have the boys I know but it's not the same, I wish you were here. Also, I'm not mad about what happened either and I agree it's best we talk in person about it. Anyways, thank you for writing to me I appreciate it!see you soon

"so what does it say" he asked. "hold on I'm kind of a slow reader" I said. He giggled slightly making me glance up at him causing him to laugh even more. "Stop laughing!" I said giggling. "alright sorry" he said.

"anyways.. She says she misses me-" I said, making me smile. Then I read the whole letter out loud. "aww that's so cute" he said smiling. "See she's not mad about what happened either" he said. I nodded.

"I can't wait to see her!!" I admitted shyly looking down smiling. I could sense his smirk somehow. I looked up and he was indeed smirking

"oh come on, don't make fun of me" I said. He giggled. "I'm not, I just find it extremely cute" he said smiling.

"wait how do we tell them we're going back in a week, the letter won't arrive that soon" I said. "um, that's a really good question, we should ask mom she'll probably call them by somewhere" he said as I nodded.

"how about we go to the kitchen to get snacks in order to go find out if she called them?" I asked. He laughed,i frowned. "what's so funny?" I asked. "you're saying it like we're going on a mission or something" he said as I giggled.

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