chapter 63: Double sleepover(byler+elmax)

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El's pov

" tell me about you and mike" i told will smirking after i yapped about what happened with max at the park etc. He blushed hard and looked down

"oh come on,don't get all shy suddenly,you seemed pretty excited when i talked" i said giggling shaking my shoulder playfully. "because it was your situation and i'm happy for you" will said. "exactly! Now you tell me about yours,you know i won't judge you" i said

"Well..nothing happened we just saw each other again, all we did all say was play dnd and talked so yeah" will said slightly disappointed. "Oh,you'll have more opportunities now don't worry i mean he literally kissed you.." i said slightly hurt remembering the time mike cheated on me

"yeah.." he said. "don't feel bad about dating him,it's all in the past and i want you to be happy, i want max,there's no need to worry" i said smiling to assure him

He nodded returning the smile. After a few seconds i gasped slightly, he slightly jumped in surprise. "what?!" he asked genuinely confused. "i have an idea!" i said,he raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue talking

"Me and max are hanging out tomorrow at our house,i already asked joyce and she immediately agreed for a sleepover as well so im gonna ask max if she wants to stay for a sleepover since its the weekend" i said

"um..yeah? That's great and all but what does it have to do with me" he said confused. I stared at him. "come on,catch up, mike.." i said trying to make him understand

"To invite him over?" he asked. "yeah duh" i said giggling. "why? It'll be weird if i only invite him" he said. "we don't always hang out all of us,how many times did dustin and Lucas hang out by themselves since they live close to each other or when mike can't,plus they won't know and its okay " i said

"like me and max, i invited only her" i added. "i mean yeah, but you're girls and best friends,whatever the others don't know yet about you two but you know what i mean, me and the boys used to always be together " will said

I slightly groaned. "didn't you and Mike hang out just you two?" i asked. "yeah because we live close and we're best friends" he said. "exactly! It makes sense,just call him now,tell invite him over tomorrow and he we can do  a double sleepover, we live in separate rooms anyways,you two will be in your room and max will be in mine" i said low key blushing at the thought of having max over

We had many sleepovers before and it was fine but now since we like each other i think it might be different and she makes me nervous, in a good way though. "what if he asks why only us two" he asked

"he won't,you're overthinking it,okay to solve your worries just tell him because its been a long time since we hang out together i don't know how you guys communicate without being awkward he's your best friend" i said

"yeah true, i'll think about it" he said. "noo you'll call him now" i said smiling. "wait-don't you want-" i said but he cut me off. "of course i want I'm just nervous" he said. "yeah i get it" i said. He then went downstairs to call him as i waited in my room

I suddenly started thinking about my favorite ginger,max. I smiled to myself just by thinking about her. Her cute,beautiful face, her ocean blue eyes and gorgeous red hair,her smile that melted my heart. It's been a few hours since i saw her but i still miss her

I was so happy we came back to hawkins,i really needed it,my friends,max...i couldn't stop thinking about our kiss,how good it felt, how i wanted her lips on mine at that moment. I genuinely just wanted to cuddle her,kiss her and tell her how amazing she is

I'll see her tomorrow, i thought to myself. I can't believe she feels the same way. max mayfield likes me. I felt so lucky,i really hope things with max work out,not like how it went with mike even though my feelings towards max are way different,stronger. I hadn't felt like this with mike

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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