Chapter 46: Hawkins

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Max's pov

School was quite boring as usual. At least I have Dustin make me laugh sometimes during the lessons. I guess he's keeping me distracted by my thoughts

Troy was giving me glares as usual, along with his friends. I got used to it at this point. "Did you write to el?" lucas quietly told as we were sitting for lunch while the boys were talking

"Not yet" I said. His eyes widened. "What do you mean 'not yet'?!" he asked. "I'm going to!" I said. "As you should" he said rolling his eyes. "Don't be like Mike max, you're better than this-" lucas said but Mike suddenly cut us off

"What are you guys talking about? I only heard my name" Mike said frowning. Lucas and I looked at each other. "Nothing, we were talking about how funny your hair looked when you fell asleep in class earlier" lucas said making all of us laugh

"haha so funny dude" Mike said rolling his eyes. "When are you two planning on getting together already?" Dustin said smirking, as he raised his eyebrows. My breath hitched out of anxiety

Lucas and I looked at each other. "We prefer to stay as just friends" lucas said. I felt like I could breath again. "What?! Why? You're like totally into her-" Dustin said but lucas punched his stomach so hard, that Dustin groaned causing a few people to turn and look at us

"he's fine" lucas told people with a sarcastic smile as we all tried not to laugh. "You didn't have to punch me!" Dustin said still holding his stomach in pain. "Alright I'm sorry" lucas said

"Right.. Anyways, you just suddenly wanna be just friends? Or did you just get rejected lucas?" Mike asked. He didn't say it in a mean why. But it kind sounded weird, brt Mike talks like that so it's no surprise

"We just prefer to stay as friends, what is it that you don't understand?" lucas said slowly giving Mike a 'drop it' look. Dustin looked so confused. He's always so clueless I kind of feel bad

"sure.." mike Muttered under his breath. Both lucas and I shot him a look. "what the fuck is your problem? It's none of your business" I said. I've been quiet for long in this conversation but this time I couldn't hold it back

"Nothing! I didn't say anything" Mike said raising his arms up defensively for some reason. "I just thought its weird considering the fact that you two literally gave signs that you like each other, at least lucas did-" Mike said

Ugh what's wrong with this kid. "Would you like to stop or should I... Say it" i warned. I was talking about the will situation, I wouldn't expose but I just needed him to stop talking before he exposes me

I could see it in his eyes. He understood exactly what I was talking about. "pff okay maxine" he said rolling his eyes playing cool. I was pretty sure he got nervous but didn't show it

"What does that mean?" Dustin asked confused and desperate to know what the three of us were talking about. "Nothing" all of us said in sync.

Dustin sighed. "whatever" he said quietly.

*time skip, later at home*

Billy came to pick me up from school. He was angry again. I didn't even know what he was angry about. This time he didn't slap me or anything for some reason

He was clearly mad at someone else. He usually takes his rage out of me as if I'm his punching bag. But I got used to it.

"Hey carrot, are you listening to me?!" he said slapping the car's helm causing me to snap out of my thoughts, flinch and turn to look at him in fear.

"Yeah-I'm listening" I said. "Good" he said and kept driving fast. We then arrived at home. Neil was at work fortunately. My mom comes home from work earlier so she was already home

She was in the kitchen cooking something. "Hey mom" I said. "Oh! Hey honey" she said turning around surprised to see me. "What are you cooking?" I asked sitting down on the island

"Pasta, your favourite" she said smiling. Sometimes I look at my mom and wonder how she can be so smiley after all she's going through. After all we're going through.

She really hides the pain and it breaks my heart into million pieces. I'm mad at her that she's still with Neil but at the same time i completely understand her and how she feels

"oh um, thanks" I said smiling. "so um, how was your day?" she asked as she was cooking. "Um, good I guess" I said bored. I was tired. Of everything

I was mainly tired of Neil and Billy, I was upset that I didn't have el with me, to make me smile and forget all of my problems, the girl who genuinely makes me happier than ever, even at my worst

I've got all this family issues but as long as I had el, I was okay. I had her by my side, we may didn't know each other for long, but we bonded so quickly

She doesn't know about Neil or anything. I don't know what she's gonna do if she finds out. Well, too bad she's already gone. I have to deal with this alone

Sure I've got friends, but nothing compares to el. She's the only one who gets me, makes me happy, melt my heart, love me, friendly or not. Whatever we are..

"you sure?" she asked unsure. I nodded. "You look-" she said but I cut her off. I had to cut her off, otherwise I would break into tears. And I would rather not show her my weak side

Mostly because I know she would blame herself for everything if I tell her everything that's going through my mind. I also can't tell her about el for obvious reasons, I could simply tell her that she's my best friend but still

Conclusion, I decided to keep quiet and deal with it alone. Like always. "mom, I'm just tired. It's been a hard day" I said. She stared at me for a second

She slowly nodded, low key disappointed that I hadn't opened up to her as she turned around to continue cooking.

*time skip *

After about half an hour, food was ready so my mom, Billy and I started eating. After about 2 minutes Neil came back home.. There we go again, I thought.

"What are you eating?" he asked walking towards the island where we were sitting and eating. "Um, I made pasta, here come sit down and eat" my mom said. I could sense the fear in her voice as she tried to hide it

"Alright I guess" he said tiredly going to get a plate so he can eat with us. "I found a letter in the mailbox by the way" he announced. My eyes light up, hoping it would for me, specifically from el..

"Whose is it?" Billy asked as he swallowed. "It says maxine" he said laughing. What's funny about that? Anyways, I ignored his comments because it's pointless anyways

"Can you give it to me?" I asked low key afraid of his reaction. "I'm sure she doesn't mind if I take a look at it" Billy suddenly stood up and snatched it from his dad's hand

My eyes widened. "No, Billy-it's mine, you have no right to-" I said as I tried to grab it from him but he was too tall. He started laughing at me because I couldn't reach it

1284 words. To be continued!
Hii, once again my apologies. I'm still working on trying to find motivation💀
Anyways bad news is I got a test on Monday and I'm gonna kms
Good news is that I got a girlfriend now (no one asked ik)

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