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Aurora's mind was in darkness, she couldn't see anything but faintly she could hear people talking. Men. They sounded panicked. She tried to stir but wasn't even sure if she actually did. Her eyes started to flutter and slowly they opened. Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker were the ones talking, sounding panicked.

She felt someone touch her forehead, "boys she's waking up." It sounded like Tech.

Hunter came walking over and sat down next to her. "Aurora? You okay?" The rest of the batch went to the front of the ship. Tech taking control of the autopilot.

"Where am I?" She groaned.

"You're on the Marauder." He responded.

She struggled to sit up and Hunter helped her, "why am I here?" At this point she expected to hear Omega calling out to her. She looked around. "Where's Omega?" Hunter was silent. She set her legs on the ground, still sitting and raised an eyebrow towards Hunter. "Hunter... where is Omega?" She asked slowly.

"She's been-uh-taken." Hunter responded.

"What?!" Aurora yelled and shot up, Hunter stood up with her. She lost her balance and Hunter caught her and helped her steady herself. She pushed him away. "What do you mean taken?! How?"

"We were tending to you while we were landed on a different planet, when another bounty Hunter snuck on and took Omega, we don't know who he is or where he went with her."

"Hunter what did I say!"

"What do you mean?"

She limped away from him frustrated, "I told you, you needed to get her off world as soon as possible she has that huge bounty on her head!"

Hunter followed "well we weren't just going to leave you to die!"

Aurora turned around and got in his face, "maybe you should have! That little girl is the only thing that should matter to you right now, not some bounty Hunter you barely know!"

Hunter let out a frustrated sigh, "why are you so difficult to deal with?! A thank you would suffice instead."

Aurora pushed past him and limped away before whipping around, "don't follow me this time!" She yelled back." She sat on the bed she was previously laying on.

"Fine!" Hunter called back and walked towards the front of the ship with the rest of the batch, they pretended to look busy. He sat down behind Tech and let out an exhausted sigh, "you boys don't have to pretend. I know you heard everything."

"Well technically I'm not pretending, I am flying the Marauder." Tech responded. Hunter shook his head.

"Well maybe she has a point though." Echo said.

"What makes you think that?" Hunter asked.

"Well for starters she's right, we barely know her and we all got distracted caring for her while Omega was the one with the bounty on her head." Echo said.

Hunter didn't want to have this conversation. He got up and sat down at the comm-computer. "Boys let's continue flying, I'll scout the channels and see if Omega reaches out."

Echo stood up and walked over to their rations. He grabbed water and a ration bar and brought it over to Aurora, who was sitting with her good leg up to her chest hugging it, her bad leg still dangling over the bed. "Are you okay?" Echo handed the stuff to her.

Aurora took a drink of the water. "Yea I'm fine. Just irritated is all. It was stupid of you guys to be distracted with me."

"Well what makes you think it was stupid?" Echo asked.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now