Gone With The Wind

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After leaving Hunter, Aurora walked the streets of Cantonica. The moons were high in the night sky and the streets weren't as packed as they are in the daytime. Aurora didn't even know where she was going but she wandered around the streets and found herself at a parlor. She strolled inside and sat herself at the bar. The parlor was surprisingly empty. She ordered herself a drink and couldn't help but start thinking about Hunter. She didn't even know if she wanted to even leave him at this point. Part of her wanted to return to him after she cleared her thoughts.

"Anything else darling?" The Besalisk bar keeper said, pulling herself back to reality.

"Oh-uh-no thank you." She laid a couple credits on the bar. He took the credits and walked away from her. To the other side of the bar. She took a sip of her drink and stared into the cup.

Not even three sips later, Aurora found her head spinning. A lot more than normal for just a couple sips. She placed her hand on the edge of the bar to steady herself, but her vision was already blurring. She had accidentally knocked over the glass, it crashed to the floor breaking into a thousand little pieces. The bar keepe not looking at her. "What the-" she whispered. She tried to get up but stumbled out of her seat and collapsed to the floor. A man, she didn't even notice had walked in, helped her up.

"Let me help you up, Aurora." She recognized the voice immediately and inside she started to panic.

"No!" She weakly said and tried to push him away but she was already too weak from whatever her drink was spiked with at that point. He had her under the arms, practically dragging her outside the parlor. She tried her hardest to fight back but at this moment he was much stronger than her. He got her outside the parlor and rested her against a speeder. Her breathing picked up. She tried to stand up on her own but her legs kept giving out.

"Isn't it amazing how easily you can just tip a bar keepe, to spike a drink with no questions asked?" The man turned Aurora around, her vision started going black but she of course recognized the man, even behind his moon mask. He took her chin and forced her to keep looking at him. "I am so happy I finally found you my darling princess." Aurora couldn't hang on anymore, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, blacking out. "Let's get you back home then." The man carefully scooped her up and laid her on the back of his speeder. He climbed on and powered it on and quickly took off towards his parked ship on the sandy beaches of Cantonica.


Hunter woke up and found himself alone in the room and he sat up. "Aurora?" He called out.

No response.

For some reason he had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He looked around the room and saw his jacket that she had been wearing neatly folded on the bureau along with her comm-link resting on top. Hunter knew what that meant, but he didn't want to believe it. He quickly got up and dressed. He walked over to the comm-link and picked it up, part of him was confused. He left the room.

Everyone was still asleep. "Aurora?!" Hunter called out again. Omega stirred from the area she was sleeping in. Wrecker remained unmoving next to Omega. Tech walked out of the refresher.

"Hunter, are you okay?" He asked.

"You haven't seen Aurora have you?" Hunter asked.

"No?" Tech raised an eyebrow. "She didn't run off after your latest and greatest fight?"

"No, she wouldn't have done that. I have this bad feeling." Hunter turned away from him.

"Would you like me to wake the others?" He asked.

"No, not yet. I'm gonna go looking for her, maybe she just went to clear her head." Hunter grabbed his blaster and opened the door. He exited the building they were staying in and he quickly picked up her trail in the sand. The streets weren't as well traveled during the night, so her trail was easy to follow. He started heading in the direction Aurora had gone.

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