Haunted By The Past

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*Author's note: Warning. This chapter talks about a heavy subject that
may be upsetting to some readers. Reader discretion is advise.*

"We will be landing shortly." Tech called from the bridge.

Aurora sat on the cots near the gunners mount. The others had been leaving her alone and she was perfectly alright with that. She sat criss-crossed with her data pad sitting in her lap. She was staring at the black screen. She felt the ship land, out of the corner of her eyes she saw most of the others exit the ship. Hunter was walking towards her.

Aurora stood up and put her data pad in her bag. "We landed." Hunter informed her.

She had her back to him. "I felt us land."

Hunter nodded, even though she couldn't see it. "Right... listen-"

She pushed past him. "Leave me alone."

Hunter followed her as the two of them exited the ship. "Hey I just want you to know we are here-"

"Just shut up!" She screamed, the others turned their heads. "You all are just insufferable!" She walked away from everyone and disappeared into the woods. Hunter rubbed the bridge between his nose and sighed.

"Does Aurora hate us?" Omega asked.

Echo patted her shoulder. "No, she's upset about something."

"Is it Hunter?" Wrecker questioned. "It's usually Hunter."

"I doubt that." Tech said, typing on his data pad. "She said we were all insufferable, usually when it's Hunter and her fighting, she leaves us out of it."

"Enough all of you." Hunter stated. "You all head to that nearby town and gather supplies. Echo, Wrecker, remember the town?" The two of them nodded. "Good, I'll find Aurora and talk to her."

"Copy that." Tech said.

Hunter turned and looked at the waterfall. The felucian logs they set up are still laid in a circle. He looked at the log that he and Aurora sat at and he could remember the two of them sitting close to each other looking up at the stars. He took in a deep breath and looked away, making his way towards the way Aurora ran off.


After weaving between the tall trees Hunter saw a crashed red painted Starfighter and nature had taken over the ship. Vines and planets weaved and grew from the ship. He saw the port where an R-series droid would sit laid empty. The sniffling of someone crying drew Hunter's attention, he turned to his right and saw Aurora had her back to him. Her shoulders were shaking and she was clearly in distress.

"Aurora?" He cautiously said.

"Go away." Her voice cracked.

"What's wrong?" He slowly moved closer to her.

She turned her head to look over her shoulder. Hunter saw her face was red and puffy from crying. "I'm fine. Go away."

"You don't look fine." He observed.

"Then stop looking." She turned her head away.

"Aurora, whatever it is you're going through we can help." He went to put a hand on her shoulder but she shrinked away from him.

"You can't!" She yelled at him. She finally turned to face him, he saw she had been crying and tears stained her cheeks. "You think you can but you can't. There is nothing that can be done in the galaxy to fix it!" She shoved him back. "Just go away! Leave me here!" Hunter didn't say anything, he just stepped forward which made Aurora take a step back. "Go-go away."

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