Kamino Lost

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AZ, Omega's droid was the first to power up. He looked around and saw Omega wrapped in the arms of the other woman, the two of them out cold.

"Omega?" The droid shook her.

"Mhmm." Aurora groaned and started to sir.

"You must wake up!" The droid said and Aurora opened her eyes to see the droid in her face. "Omega, wake up!" Omega started to stir in her arms.

"AZ?" Omega also groaned.

"I do not wish to alarm you but if you do not vacate this compartment, you will soon perish." The droid said as the two of them started to get up, an alarm could be heard in the background. Aurora looked around and saw water starting to pour in.

"Oh no..." Aurora whispered and turned her attention to the closed door.

"And I will be left here on my own!" The droid said.

Omega looked around with the flashlight in her hand.

"Hunter, do you copy?" Aurora called on the comms but didn't get a response. "Hunter, answer me!" She didn't try to hide the panic in her voice.

"Crosshair!" Aurora turned and saw Omega by her brother's side. She was trying to lift the metal debris.

"Omega, forget him. We have to get out of here." Aurora walked over to her.

"No!" Omega fired back. "I won't leave my brother."

"You're brother?! He's tried to kill you!"

"I won't leave him!"

Aurora rolled her eyes and knelt down to try and help as well, but it was no use as the metal was too heavy for the both of them.

"We need Wrecker." Aurora informed. "We won't be able to lift this ourselves."

Omega pulled out her comms. "Hunter, do you copy? Tech? Echo? Is anyone there? Wrecker?"

"Yea kid. Are you okay?" Hunter finally responded, Aurora looked back at the closed doors.

"Not really." She responded. "The room is flooding and Crosshair's stuck."

Aurora looked down and realized the water was rising and made her way to the door. "Hunter the water is rising!" She yelled through it.

"Get the door open Tech!" Aurora heard a mumbled Hunter through the door. She wedged her fingers in between them and tried to pull.

"I can't get the door!" Aurora yelled. She let go of the door, right as a knife wedged its way through. She heard another groan behind her and turned around to see Crosshair finally awake.

"Welcome to the party." Aurora told him.

"Greeting, CT-9904." AZ said. Aurora and Omega were back to trying to move the metal debris. "You survived the aerial bombardment but are now moments away from drowning."

"Not helping droid!" Aurora yelled as she tried to pull the debris.

The water was quickly rising. "Get this off me!" Crosshair impatiently said.

"You are more than welcome to try and help!" Aurora fired back.

"AZ help!" Omega pleaded.

"Omega, you need to take a really deep breath okay?" Aurora instructed. The two girls took a deep breath and dove under the water and continued to try and move the debris. After failing again, Aurora watched as Omega went back up to the surface.

"Go under and use your boosters." Omega told AZ. "I'll try to break it free."

Aurora felt the debris starting to shift and a purple blaster bolt shot it loose. Aurora grabbed Crosshair and dragged him back up for air. When they breached the surface Crosshair pulled away from her.

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