The Tension is Strong With These Two

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Most of the group was sitting inside Cid's Parlor, it was still hot on Ord Mantell but not as hot as from the other day. Omega was messing with her bow at the bar and Echo, Tech, and Wrecker were all having a drink and idly chatting.

"When are Aurora and Hunter showing up?" Omega asked and looked at her brothers.

"They should be arriving shortly." Tech said, not looking up from his data pad.

"Unless only Aurora shows up." Echo added.

"Why would only Aurora show up?" Omega asked, Wrecker laughed.

"Because he's been hovering over her non-stop, I can tell she's about to blow a fuse." Echo said.

"Yes, that is true. Even I would most likely get annoyed at that point." Tech said.

"Well she went through a lot. Can we blame Hunter?" Omega questioned.

The group turned their heads when they could hear inaudible yelling from outside the bar.

"Here we go again." Wrecker said.

Aurora and Hunter burst through the doors, practically screaming at each other. "By the maker Hunter you are like a helicopter parent! Leave me alone!"

"You are being careless! Someone has to look out for you!" Hunter was right behind her.

"I can wear whatever I want!" Aurora turned to face him. "You're not in charge of me."

"Aurora you were poisoned for wearing an outfit like that!" He gestured to the black shorts and charcoal gray crop top she was wearing today.

"Ugh!" Aurora let out a frustrated sigh. "It is a million degrees out! Do you want me to wear a snow coat in this weather?!"

"Alright, alright enough now." Wrecker got in between them.

Aurora pointed at Hunter and the two of them were still yelling incoherently at each other.

"Knock it off guys!" Omega said and stood with Wrecker, trying to push Hunter back.

"You are so annoying!" Aurora yelled.

"Annoying? You are immature!" Hunter quipped.

"Alright enough!" Cid came out of her office with Echo and Tech behind her, she saw the two of them still pointing fingers at each other and yelling. "Karabast it's bad this time." She said to the boys.

"Yep." Echo said and crossed his arms.

"It was only a matter of time before she exploded." Tech said.

"Such children." Cid rolled her eyes. She walked up to the group and got in between Omega and Hunter. "Knock it off!" She hit him with his staff and he stopped yelling.

"Ha!" Aurora laughed and in return Cid also hit her with the staff and Aurora shrinked away from her. "Alright, alright! I'm done."

"Why are you two nerf nuggets arguing now?" Cid asked.

"Nerf nuggets?" Hunter questioned.

"Because this one won't leave me alone!" Aurora pointed her finger.

"Oh really, well when you stop acting so careless I will leave you alone." Hunter argued back.

The two of them continued to argue again and Cid raised her staff and Hunter stopped and Aurora flinched again.

"Enough!" Cid yelled. "I'm sending the two of you on a mission."

"Really?" Aurora rolled her eyes.

"A mission?" Hunter questioned.

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