Battle Scars

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Aurora was by herself in Cid's Parlor. Cid sent the batch on a lizard rescue mission. Cid said she wasn't needed on it and made her stay behind, she was wiping the counter when a hooded figure walked in. "How can I help you?" She asked when he walked up to the bar. He didn't say anything, he just looked around. "Um, hello?"

He turned to face her, but she couldn't see under his cloak. "My apologies. I'm waiting for some people." His voice sounded oddly familiar to her.

"Understandable but you gotta order a drink, parlor's policies. If you aren't drinking or gambling then you can't stay." Aurora said.

The stranger put some credits on the counter. "Pour me whatever then. You can keep the credits."

"Okay." Aurora poured his drink. "So... you from around here?"

He took the drink. "Sorry. I'm just waiting for those people."

Aurora nodded. "No trust me I understand, just don't make a ruckus then."

The stranger nodded and he sat at the back of the parlor. Aurora shrugged, not the strangest man to walk into the parlor but he was definitely interesting. She continued to wipe the counters when the batch walked in, Wrecker holding a cage. He placed it on the bar and on cue Cid came out of her office and looked at the lizard.

"That is one strange looking lizard." She said and the lizard hissed.

"What's your client want it for?" Echo asked.

"Maybe it's a pet. Maybe he wants to turn it into a stew. Don't know. Don't care." Cid said.

"As long as you get paid." Hunter added, Aurora leaned on the bar.

"Now you're catching on." Cid said.

"It's just a lizard boys, come on." Aurora said.

"And guess what?" Cid turned around. "That means you get paid too. Bring the lizard in the back."

Echo grabbed the lizard and he and Tech started to make their way back into Cid's office, but Hunter paused and took note of the stranger in the cloak tucked in the back of the bar, taking a sip of his beverage. "Hunter?" Omega called out to him.

Hunter turned to Wrecker and Omega. "What are you two up to?"

"The mission's over. Can we go?" Wrecker asked.

"Again?" Hunter questioned.

"It's a tradition." Wrecker said and leaned in. "It makes the kid happy."

"Uh-huh." Hunter said, he could hear Aurora giggling behind him. "The kid." He sighed. "Don't take long. Wrecker and Omega ran out of the parlor laughing. Hunter turned to Aurora. "What?"

She slid him a shot and he caught it. She was smiling and Hunter was observing her smile. "I think it's adorable, they do that after the missions." She was still leaning against the bar.

Hunter downed the shot and leaned on the other side of the bar. "You think it's adorable?"

Aurora nodded. "I do. He's not wrong. It does make them happy. Maybe you should have an after mission treat. Might loosen you up a bit."

"Is that what you think?"

Aurora shrugged and stood up. "It might." She grabbed his empty glass.

"Fine, you and I will take a shot after the missions." He folded his arms, a sly smile on his face.

"You and me doing shots?" She raised an eyebrow. "I mean I won't complain."

"Alright then take your shot."

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