Paths Unknown Pt. 2

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Hunter, Wrecker, Aurora, and their new friend Deke all were making their way in the jungle. They had to make one stop at the ship but the sun had started setting and they had to use their flashlights to make the journey back.

Hunter and Wrecker were leading the way and Aurora was walking next to Deke. "I can get you inside the ruins." Deke said. "But you won't be able to get anything from the console without a power source."

"We got that covered." Wrecker reassured him. "We just need to grab something from our ship."

Deke looked down before looking at Aurora. "This clone you're looking for..."

"Omega." Hunter reminded him.

"How long has she been gone?" He asked.

"Too long." Hunter said. "But we're not giving up."

"Is she like your daughter or something?" Deke asked Aurora.

Aurora put a hand on his shoulder. "She's not but she's still very important to all of us."

"I wish the other clones felt that way about us." Deke admitted. "You may be defective CTs, but at least you're loyal."

Aurora kept her hand on Deke's shoulder. "And you're safe now, you and your brothers. We'll get you out of here." Deke nodded and the group walked up to the Marauder.

The door opened and Wrecker climbed on board. "Whoa!" Deke exclaimed as he walked up to the side of the ship. Aurora and Hunter watched the young clone. "Your ship has seen some action."

"Mostly during the war." Hunter said.

Aurora chuckled. "Mostly?"

"And some after." Hunter admitted.

Deke lowered his flashlight. "I thought, one day, I'd be flying one of these on a mission. A lot's changed."

"Deke..." Aurora trailed off.

The sound of Wrecker grunting had everyone looking to the opening of the ship. Gonky was beeping as they saw the droid strapped to Wrecker's back. "Well, I've got the gear and power." Gonky beeped some more. "Lead the way, kid." Wrecker tossed both Aurora and Deke rebreather masks. They put the masks on and Deke took a deep breath before moving forward into the jungle. The other three close behind him.


Aurora thought the smell was bad getting off the ship, but the smell just got worse and worse the closer to the facility they got. Creatures echoed in the distance. Aurora realized the closer they got to the facility, the more vines were in the way. It looked like the orbital bombardment didn't work after all.

Deke paused. "There's slither vines everywhere in there. Be careful where you step." He continued moving and the others followed.

Wrecker tripped on something but caught himself. "Whoa!"

"Wrecker!" Aurora hissed. "He literally just told us to be careful!" She scolded him.

"Sorry!" He whispered.

The floor inside the facility wasn't badly covered in the vines, but the walls were infested. Aurora was walking behind Deke with Hunter behind Aurora. Wrecker groaned, he was a little ways behind, a bit more slower than normal with Gonky strapped to his back. The droid beeping on away.

The group rounded a corner and Aurora looked up, hearing the sound of metal creaking. I hope this place doesn't come down on us. She thought.

Wrecker could be heard groaning. "How much further is the console?"

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