Just A Dance

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A/N: A little somethin-somethin for one of my favorite non-canon ships (but totally should be canon ship). Artwork goes out to the original creator, I just got the image off of google, but anyways please enjoy the chapter!

"I don't think it's such a good idea." Tech stated, adjusting his goggles. "And can you please get your feet off of my ship?" The group was sitting in the bridge of the Marauder that was still docked on the platform Rex had them land on. Rex was inside the garage working on his little network of clones.

"I think a ball sounds like a fun thing to attend." Omega commented, who was sitting behind Tech. "I wish I could go with you!"

"Come on, it's rude to turn down an invitation from a senator!" Aurora butted in on Omega's comment. She was sitting across from Tech, she was the one who had her feet kicked up on the controls ignoring Tech's request.

"Why do you even want to go to this ball thing?" Echo asked, leaning back in the chair, arms folded. He sat behind Aurora's seat and across from Omega.

"It's a Senator Ceremony." Aurora claimed, finally taking her feet off the controls and turning to the others. "It's not a ball. It's where senators go to wind down and eat, drink, socialize, you know. Well some senators still try to talk politics but ya know, that's kinda what they do."

"Sounds like a ball." Echo said.

"Echo it's not- you know what? Nevermind." Aurora shook her head and turned to Hunter. "Come on, please? It's been so long since I've been to one!"

"Senator Chuchi said that you have to bring someone along..." Hunter crossed his arms as he leaned in the doorway. "Someone who doesn't stick out and we, Aurora, tend to stick out. All of us." Aurora picked up he implied her as well. "I'm not sure how good of an idea it is, and none of us dance."

Aurora rolled her head back before sitting up straighter. "You are all being a buzz-kill right now. Except for you Omega, of course." She stood up. "We can totally be discreet if we tried... Well I can at least."

"Who would you take then?" Omega asked.

Aurora looked around at her options. "Well we all know I can't take Wrecker or Echo-"

"Hey!" Wrecker could be heard further in the ship.

"I don't want to go to some ball anyways." Echo added.

"Hey," Aurora held her hands up. "I would love to take you Wrecker. You would be the most fun. The only real any one of you who wouldn't stick out would be..." She turned to Tech.

"Me?" Tech was taken aback at what Aurora was getting at. "I do not think I-"

Aurora brushed him off. "Relax Tech. I'm not actually going to take you."

Tech raised an eyebrow. "Well why not?"

Aurora tilted her head. "Do you want to go with me?" Tech stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." She turned back to Hunter and waved a dismissive hand. "Well I know you don't wanna go."

"Well if you're not gonna bring Hunter?" Omega questioned. "Who does that leave you with?"

"Hmm," Aurora put a hand on her chin before turning to the open door of the Marauder. To the garage Rex was in. "Well I suppose Rex would love to take me, I just bet he would look absolutely sexy in a tux."

"Rex? Sexy?" Hunter scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Mhmm." Aurora nodded in agreement. "I should go ask Rex now." She moved past Echo and Omega and went to scoot by Hunter but he grabbed her arm, stopping her from going to Rex. She looked at him. "Excuse you?"

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