The Harbinger

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Aurora and Hunter were walking down the steps to the fishing docks. Aurora lightly punched his shoulder and smiled.

"Remember when I pushed you in?" She teased.

"Remember when I pulled you in after me?" He teased back, wrapping a hand around her waist.

"Maybe that's something we should recreate sometime." She toyed.

The two of them saw Wrecker and Crosshair walking towards them. Hunter removed his hand from her waist. "I checked the ship's comms. Still no word from Fennec." Hunter told them.

"Since when do we wait around for intel?" Crosshair questioned.

"Well, she's the only lead we have." Hunter said. "If her contact can tell us what an M-count is, we might figure out why the Empire's targeting Omega."

"Does it matter? We're not handing her over." Crosshair stated.

"Of course we're not." Aurora scoffed.

"Can't be prepared if we don't know what we're dealing with." Hunter turned around and started walking. Aurora was right next to him with Wrecker and Crosshair trailing behind them.

"Speaking of, where is Omega?" Aurora asked as they walked.


"See I told you she's at that cavern again." Hunter stated as they found Omega's footprints in the sand. "And Batcher is with her."

"I know but I just have this weird feeling." Aurora said. "I wish someone went with her."

"She's fine." Crosshair scoffed. Batcher came bounding towards the group. Crosshair pointed at the hound. "Hunter."

Batcher was barking like crazy towards them and ran back towards the cavern.

"Where's Omega?" Wrecker asked.

"She's fine?" Aurora poked Crosshair in the chest. The four of them started running after Batcher. Who stopped at the cavern entrance.

A pale woman was dragging Omega by the arm and Omega of course, fighting back. "I wasn't doing anything. Let go!"

"By the stars!" Aurora gasped and jumped down.

"Aurora wait-" Hunter started but it was no use. The boys jumped down after Aurora. Her blaster was already drawn and she pointed it at the woman.

"Let her go." Aurora demanded.

"You heard her." Hunter said. "Let her go."

The woman let go of Omega. "Gladly." Omega ran towards Wrecker and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Aurora squinted her eyes and slowly lowered her blaster. "So the harpy grew hair."

The woman crossed her arms. "So the hunter lives." She mocked Aurora. "You know, for rogue clones who are trying to lay low, you're failing spectacularly. Especially that one."

"And who are you?" Crosshair asked, arms crossed.

"Fennec sent me." She stated. "What? Just because I grew hair, you don't completely recognize me? Space Princess."

"I don't go by that anymore." Aurora said.

"Good." The woman said. "I always thought that nickname was pretentious."

"We never gave her our coordinates." Hunter said. "How'd you find us?"

"I have my ways." She said. "I hear you've been asking questions about M-count." She walked towards them and folded her arms. "Very reckless to inquire about such things. It attracts the wrong kind of attention."

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