The Return

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Aurora, Hunter, and Wrecker were all hanging out in the middle of the Marauder. Omega had insisted that they all slept on the ship for 'old times sake' and since they had her back. No one was complaining. Everyone was at ease.

Well, almost everyone.

Crosshair was MIA this morning when Hunter and Wrecker had woken up. Aurora, being the early riser she is, witnessed him sneaking off to the beach. The two of them just exchanged glances as he left. When the others had woken up, Crosshair being gone was the first thing Hunter had noticed. Aurora put him at ease and the three were all drinking caf and chatting amongst each other.

Shuffling could be heard and the three of them watched Omega pull back the curtain that covered the gunner's mount. Seeing the girl put a smile on all their faces.

"Look who's awake." Wrecker laughed.

"Still can't believe you wanted all of us to sleep on this ship, Omega." Aurora added with a chuckle.

"How'd you sleep?" Hunter asked.

Omega took in a deep breath and stretched her shoulders. "Better than ever."

Wrecker was tossing a fruit in his hand. "Delivery from Shep and Lyana." He tossed it to Omega who easily caught it.

"Another one?" Omega questioned.

"They're happy you're back." Wrecker said.

"We all are." Aurora added.

"They're all right, you know." Hunter agreed.

Omega took a bite of her breakfast. She didn't say anything, she just looked past the group and saw that it was only them on board this morning. She walked past them, towards the bridge. Hunter and Wrecker watched her walk away.

Aurora and Hunter made eye contact. Crosshair. She mouthed to him. Hunter nodded.

"Where's Crosshair?" Omega turned to her brothers.

"He wasn't on the ship when we woke up." Wrecker said.

"He's still adjusting." Hunter carefully said.

"He went to the beach, sweetheart." Aurora informed her. "I watched him leave."

"I'll check on him." Omega nodded.

Omega left the ship and Hunter put his cup down and got off the wall, standing next to Wrecker. Aurora watched the two of them share a look. Aurora folded her arms.

"You two aren't going to be spying on him again, are you?" She questioned.


Aurora found herself standing with her arms folded, scowling at the two boys in front of her. They didn't pay attention to her though. They were busy looking over the rocks towards their target. There was a pause in the sniper's practice.

"He knows you are spying on him." Aurora pointed out. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is wrong. You need to just talk to him Hunter. You can't avoid him forever."

Aurora turned her head and saw Crosshair looking back towards AZ. The two girls shared a look. Their shared attempts to get the stubborn men to talk to one another seemed to be failing on both their ends.

"We're just watching." Hunter said, without looking at her.

"Okay, that's a bantha-shit excuse." Aurora rolled her eyes. She watched Omega pat Crosshair's back. "He's going to think you don't trust him. He doesn't need that right now from you."

Omega looked at them and shook her head in disapproval.

"Not sure it was a good idea to give Crosshair back his rifle." Hunter whispered to Wrecker.

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