A Risqué Mission

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"You know I'm starting to feel more like Cid's errand boy." Echo grumbled as the group made their way back to the parlor. They dropped off weapons, it was a simple mission.

"It's easy credits, Echo." Hunter stated.

"And besides," Tech cut in. "With the recent events of Kamino, Aurora's urge to lay low, and the failures of Serenno. Simple missions like this fit the criteria."

"I wanna blow something up." Wrecker groaned.

The group descended the steps and into the parlor. It was almost empty, except for Cid's regulars, Ketch and Bolo.

"Where's Aurora?" Omega asked and the group looked over to the bar. It was currently unoccupied.

"No clue." Hunter said. "You and Wrecker stay here. We'll go talk to Cid."

The three of them started to walk to Cid's office when they heard Wrecker. "Come on kid! Let's go get some mix!"

"Okay!" Omega cheerfully responded.

The three of them paused at the closed door. They could hear two people talking on the other side.

"-you understand the plan? Take this man out. The contact assisting you should be here soon." Cid finished talking when the boys walked through the door. Aurora was leaning against her holo-table.

"Sounds good to me." Aurora agreed.

"What's going on?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing that concerns you." Cid pointed out. "Did you make the drop?"

"Yes we did." Echo said, crossing his arms.

"What's going on?" Hunter asked again.

Aurora looked to Cid, still staying silent. "A mission for Aurora, don't worry about it."

Hunter also folded his arms. "She's part of my squad. If she's going on a mission I need to know about it."

Cid looked at Aurora who shrugged. "She's going to take out a man."

"Take out a man?" Hunter questioned. "Is this a bad man?"

"Who knows?" Cid shrugged. "But the credits are paying too well to pass up."

"I don't think I approve of this." Hunter said.

"You're right." Cid told Aurora.

"What is she right about?" Tech asked.

"She didn't want to tell you boys." Cid said.

Hunter turned to Aurora. "You weren't going to tell me?"

Aurora removed herself from the holo-table. "Because you were going to freak out. Like you're doing now." She pointed out. "It's fine, I've killed for less. I'm going to some club. Take him out and I'll be back before anyone notices I'm gone."

"Who are you going with?" Tech questioned.

"I don't know, someone Cid knows." Aurora said.

"You don't know who you'll be working with?" Hunter questioned.

Aurora started walking towards the door. "Hunter, you're being dramatic. I'll be fine."

The three boys followed her out the door and back to the bar. Ketch and Bolo were gone at this point. "What kind of club is this?" Echo asked.

"It's best I don't say." Aurora vaguely said.

"Aurora, what kind of club is it?" Hunter asked again.

Aurora paused and turned to face them. "It's an exotic club. I'm posing as a dancer, it's fine. I've done this before."

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