Devil's Deal

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Aurora sat on the Marauder tinkering with Tech's scrap. They were on their way to Ryloth but Fennec had privately reached out to Aurora about their 'deal.' The batch didn't really pay any mind to what she was doing. That was until Omega realized she was making something and she wandered over to her, sitting next to her.

"Whatcha doing?" Omega asked.

"Making stuff." Aurora asked, she brought the device close to her face, her tongue sticking out and inserted her tweezers into it, connecting the wires.

"Stuff?" Omega inquired.

"Best you don't ask kid." Aurora said, Hunter too picked up on this and made his way over. He picked up one of the completed ones. "Ah! I wouldn't."

"Why? What's so bad about this?" He tossed the device.

Aurora got up. "Stop! Don't do that!" She tried to grab the device from him.

"What is it?" Hunter asked.

"It's a grenade." Aurora grabbed the device from him.

"A grenade?!" He yelled.

"Yes." Aurora rolled her eyes. "Keep tossing it like that, you'll set it off."

"You're making grenades on my ship?" Hunter raised his voice.

"Oh calm down." Aurora spat out. "I know how to make grenades."

"One miscalculation and our ship blows up! What gave you the inclination that it was a good idea?"

"Hunter, I have been making grenades and bombs since I was six years old!" She got in his face. "I've been making them a lot longer than you have probably been in a test tube. I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? Making bombs on ships flying through the galaxy is a stupid thing to do!"

"Oh so you're calling me stupid? The one you're calling stupid who is making these grenades. You know why don't I just test one right now and pull the pin!"

The two of them didn't realize Omega had gotten up to get the others. Wrecker pulled them apart. "Okay you two separate, Hunter get to the bridge. We're almost to Ryloth. Aurora, no more bomb making until we land. Go cool off."

"Whatever." She shoulder checked Hunter as she moved past him. Wrecker led Hunter to the bridge.

"Can you believe her?" Hunter said as he sat down. "Insufferable that woman is."

"Yet you still endure." Tech mentioned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hunter asked.


The Marauder made it to the system of Ryloth, Tech put in the coordinates for one of its moons. Aurora was sitting on her cot, typing away on her data pad. Echo walked up to her. "We're almost there, landing shortly."

"Yea whatever." Aurora said, not looking up.

"Hey don't pull that attitude with me." He said.

Aurora looked up at Echo and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you more annoyed than normal?" He asked.

"I'm not stupid you know."

"So you're mad because Hunter called you stupid?"

Aurora rubbed the bridge of her nose. "No-maybe-ugh I don't know, probably more so the fact he questioned my skill set. I take pride in my grenades and bombs. I've been making them for as long as I can remember and for him to just brush all that aside and him thinking I would get us killed like, I don't know hurts? I'm not sloppy."

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