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Aurora was leaning over Omega's chair. The Bad Batch was on Echo's ship flying to this secret hideout that Echo so urgently told them they all needed to go. Batcher curled up next to Wrecker who was sitting on the floor. Hunter took his seat between Echo and Omega, and Crosshair was sitting furthest from the group, his signature toothpick in his mouth.

Omega was copying Crosshair with the toothpick. Both Aurora and Crosshair noticed this. "So where exactly are we headed?" Hunter asked.

"It's a base of sorts." Echo vaguely said.

"That's not reassuring Echo." Aurora added.

"I thought your rendezvous with Gregor was top priority." Hunter commented.

"Yea, well I'll pick him up after dropping you lot off." Echo said.

Aurora moved over to Hunter's chair, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Any idea why Rex wants us there so urgently?" He asked.

"He didn't say." Echo said. "But it must be important."

"Maybe Rex just wants to see me again." Aurora teased leaning into Hunter's chair. "It has been a while since I've gotten to look at his sexy blue armor."

"Enough." Hunter leaned his head back. Aurora smiled but out of the corner of Hunter's eye was Crosshair, looking down chewing on his toothpick. He glanced over to Omega who was copying Crosshair's exact movements.

Aurora chuckled and leaned into his ear. "Jealous?" She kissed his ear before leaning back, the rest of the ride was a quiet one.


The ship landed and everyone but Echo was exiting the ship. The clones waiting for them didn't look all too pleased to see them.

"They don't look happy to see us." Wrecker stated the obvious and punched Crosshair's shoulder. "Just like old times."

"The normal looking clones hated you during the war?" Aurora questioned, looking at a scowling Crosshair. "I can't imagine why." She rolled her eyes and mumbled.

Batcher sat next to Omega as Rex and another clone who Aurora hadn't seen in a while walked up to them. "Thanks for coming." Rex said and nodded at Omega who nodded back.

Aurora pushed past everyone. "Rex, love! How've you been? Your armor looks polished."

"I've been better." Rex chuckled. "And I polished it just for you."

"Oh Rex." Aurora waved a dismissive hand. "You didn't have to do that-"

"Okay." Hunter grabbed her arm and pulled her back behind him. "That's enough out of you."

"We were only having a conversation, Hunter." Aurora scoffed.

Hunter shook his head and turned back to Rex. "Good to see you, Rex." That's when Hunter noticed the daggers from Howzer not once wavering from Crosshair.

"Wish I felt the same." Howzer butted in. "I have unfinished business with this one." His eyes never once straying from Crosshair as he stepped forward. "Remember me?" Aurora looked at Crosshair whose expression never changed. "Surprised I'm alive? Most of my squad from Ryloth is dead because of you." Aurora didn't like his tone and quietly pulled out her dagger.

"Easy Howzer." Rex put a hand on his brother's chest. "I know you two have history, but we're all on the same side now." Howzer scoffed.

Hunter reached his hand back. Of course he knew that Aurora was prepared to fight and lightly tapped her wrist holding the dagger, signaling for her to put it away. Without argument she did just that. "Why'd you call us here, captain?" Hunter asked.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now