Point Of No Return

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Aurora was standing on the docks. It was early in the morning, so early that the sun hadn't even risen yet. She held herself as she stared out into the ocean.

"Can't sleep?" Aurora turned and saw Hunter walking up to her. "Heard you leaving this morning and figured I'd see where you were off too."

Aurora looked back out into the water. "I've come to the conclusion I am not allowed to be happy."

"What?" Hunter stood next to her. "I don't understand."

Aurora swallowed the lump in the back of her throat. "I thought I was happy on Coruscant, but no. I thought I was happy making it on my own, also no. Now we are here on Pabu and we talked about what our future could have possibly meant for us but now... also getting ripped away from me. Maybe the galaxy will be at ease if I just stop being happy."

Hunter looked at her and turned her to face him. "Aurora, don't say that." She looked down at both their feet. "This isn't forever. The Empire hunting us, isn't forever."

"You don't know that Hunter. The Empire won't stop until they get what they want." She sighed.

Hunter grabbed her hands. "And we will stop anyone that gets in our way." He paused. "You and I, along with the others will get to be happy in the end. I promise you."

Aurora pulled her hands away and looked at him. "Don't make promises you know you can't keep."

"I plan on keeping it." Hunter stated. "We just have to leave Pabu for the safety of the island."

"I know." Aurora turned and started walking away. "But there goes our chance of starting that family we wanted together." She mumbled under her breath.

Starting what? Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Aurora, wait." He jogged up to her and grabbed her arm. "What did you say?"

"Nothing." She shook her head and continued to look at the ground.

"Don't lie to me, I heard you." Hunter said. "Look at me." She still wouldn't look at him and Hunter gently grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "You do want children." She shook her head. "Just admit it, you'll feel better."

Aurora took a deep breath. "Hunter we talked about this-"

Hunter cut her off. "Aurora, I want children with you." He stated. She looked at him wide eyed, clearly she wasn't expecting him to say that. "I want you to have my children and I know you won't admit it to me so here I am admitting it to you." He paused and waited for an answer from her but she stayed quiet. "We might not be perfect parents but Haar'chak Aurora we would love these kids like we do Omega and the clone cadets. You would be an amazing mother."

"You really think so?" Aurora asked.

"I know so." Hunter nodded. "I love you so much and now, since we talked about it, I have these dreams of you and I chasing our little ones around this island. I am not giving that up, I am not giving you up. We are going to find Tantiss and we are going to destroy that place and once we are safe you and I are going to have babies. Understood?" Aurora nodded. "Tell me you understand."

"I do understand Hunter." Aurora said.

"Good." Hunter said.

Aurora looked at him and brought her hand up to his cheek. "Are you sure you are ready for little ones who trust you with their whole world calling you dad?"

"You have no idea how much the thought excites me." Hunter said. "I did not realize how much it did until you asked me all those rotations ago."

Aurora smiled and leaned into him. The two of them shared a kiss in the early morning. Hunter had wrapped his hands around her waist but that didn't stop his hands from roaming further down until he firmly held her ass. Aurora let out a gasp into his lips.

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