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A day has gone by since losing the ship. Aurora stood next to Omega while she changed her bandage. It wasn't as bloodied as it was before. Omega was typing on the data pad. All three boys were working on a speeder.

"How you doing?" Aurora leaned in and whispered.

Before Omega could respond. Wrecker groaned. "I'm bored, I'm hot, and I'm starving."

"We're all hungry Wrecker." Aurora pointed out.

"I told you to preserve your rations." Hunter informed him.

"Well..." Wrecker sighed. "I got hungry." He went back to hammering the speeder and a part fell off. He sat down in defeat. "We're wasting our time. This skiff's a heap of junk."

"Yes." Tech agreed. "But with a few repairs, it'll be a slightly operational heap of junk." He went back to working on the speeder. "The energy cells have just enough power to get us to the town on the other half of the hemisphere."

"And that heap of junk will fit us all?" Aurora questioned, pulling out a ration and handing it to Omega. Who gladly took it and started eating it.

"Potentially." Tech said, eyeing Wrecker.

"Wait," Aurora said, turning to Omega. "Tech said power. Like things that use power." She snapped her fingers.

"Yes, that is what I said." Tech nodded.

"Omega, don't you get it?" Aurora asked.

Omega's eyes lit up and she jumped up from sitting down. "We forgot about Gonky!"

"And he's still on the Marauder." Aurora finished with a smile.

Tech shook his head. "I'm afraid since the thief disabled the ship's transponder, we will not be able to locate him."

Aurora picked up a pebble. "Knock it off, Nerfheader." She threw the pebble at his head, hitting him against his temple, which he rubbed. "You never know. A lot of people always forget about the droids."

"We don't mean tracking the ship." Omega said. "I mean, we can track Gonky."

Tech looked at the girls. "Oh. Ingenious idea." He pointed at them with the spanner in his hand. "Try doing a trace on his binary reference code."

"On it." Omega said and walked over to the electrical tower, Aurora following her.

Wrecker laughed "Don't get your hopes up kid." He was met with a pebble hitting him in the head. "OW!" He yelled and saw Aurora standing there with her arms folded and tossing another pebble in the air. She turned back around and walked towards Omega.


After some time, a beeping was heard on Omega's data pad and Aurora leaned over her shoulder. Aurora couldn't help but laugh.

"Holy bantha-shit kid!" She said.

"What is it?" Hunter asked.

"I'm getting a reading." Omega carefully said and then gasped. "I think I found Gonky!" She unplugged the data pad from the tower and the girls walked over to the boys. Who were still working on the speeder.

Wrecker chuckled in disbelief. "You-what? You found him?"

Omega gave the data pad to Tech and Aurora leaned on Tech's shoulder. "His signal is 100 kilometers east. If Gonky's still on the planet, the Marauder must be too."

"But for how long." Aurora added, Hunter leaned in and Tech showed him the data pad.

There was a moment of silence. "Let's get this thing running and find out." Hunter said.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now