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Aurora was working at the bar, she was leaning over the counter, chatting with one of the patrons. She had just poured him a drink but his focus was on her. She was wearing a low cut black top and a pair of very short shorts. She had an apron around her waist that had the basic essentials in it. Things for the bar and a knife for the rowdier patrons. She was fake laughing at something he said. Hunter was standing with the others, Omega was practicing with her newly acquired Zygerrian bow. Tech noticed Hunter staring at Aurora.

"She's quite good at that, you know." Tech leaned in.

"What are you talking about?" Hunter quickly turned his gaze back to Omega.

"Aurora." Tech stated. "She is good at stringing them along, the fake laughing at their jokes, leaning in which causes her to be 'showing off' in certain areas." Tech gestured to his chest. "And the arm touching." Right on cue Aurora was laughing again, the two boys looked over, to see her rubbing at his arm and she was smiling. The male at the bar feeding into it all. "You're jealous."

"I am not jealous." Hunter said.

"Steady." Echo said and Hunter turned back to Omega who was still trying to hold the bow, she was very shaky. "Arm's level... and keep your eye on the target."

"You can do it kid!" Bolo, the Ithorian said. He was a regular along with his friend Ketch a Weequay. Hunter took noticed that Ketch had a thing for Aurora.

"Not a chance!" Ketch yelled. "Miss! Come on! Miss!" Omega released the arrow and it hit the target, not in the center but it hit.

Omega cheered. "Ah! Got it!"

"Bull's eye!" Bolo cheered. "Pay up." Ketch groaned.

Aurora walked over and chuckled. "Nice work kid." She said and swapped out Ketch's drink with a new one. "Here ya go Ketch." She patted his shoulder and he gave her extra credits.

"For you Miss Aurora." He said.

She smiled. "You're too kind to me." She walked over to Hunter and handed him a drink. "Here you look like you need this."

"Good again." Echo told Omega.

"I'm fine." Hunter didn't look at her.

"Suit yourself then." She took a drink from the glass.

"But I've already hit the target three times." Omega said.

"Out of 12. That's luck, Omega, not skill." Echo said. "Soldiers need to be consistent."

"She's not a soldier Echo, she's a child." Aurora said.

"She should be able to defend herself." Echo added.

Omega sighed and turned back to the target. "Okay double or nothing she chokes." Ketch called out. Omega pulled back on the bow and released, but the arrow hit one of the tables instead. Ketch started laughing. Aurora shot Ketch a look and he stopped laughing. "Sorry Miss Aurora."

"I was doing better until those two showed up." Omega said.

Echo turned Omega to him. "You have to learn to tune out distractions, which comes with practice." He stood up. "Again." Omega again shot the bow, missing the target.

"Not exactly a natural is she?" Wrecker leaned over to Hunter and Aurora.

Aurora patted Wrecker's shoulder. "I wasn't either when I first learned how to shoot. She'll get there." She made her way back to the bar, Hunter watched her walk off, noticing the shorts she was wearing. He forced himself to turn back to Omega, not wanting to get called out by his brothers for staring.

Cid walked over to them. "Play times over. We need to talk." She turned to the two extras. "You two scram." She kicked them out of the bar.

"Okay, we're going. We're going." They both said and exited the bar. Aurora walked back over, her apron was off. The man that was previously sitting at the bar, at some point had also left.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now